[opendtv] Re: Twang's Tuesday Tribune (Mark's Monday Memo)

  • From: "Kon Wilms" <kon@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: opendtv@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 29 Apr 2004 16:09:47 -0400

> This doesn't mean that wireless and broadcast cannot work. But
> it also doesn't mean that you can force-fit an application that
> works well in a two-way system into a broadcast system, and
> expect instant success.

Right on the money. 

Also, just because you have a fat pipe doesn't mean people will use it 
if you send everything you can through it. I can't say how many times 
I've heard the excuse that datacasting will work because the pipe is 
either a full transponder worth, or 'opportunistically scaleable to 

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