[opendtv] Re: IP-Based TV Will Revolutionize Entertainment

  • From: "Manfredi, Albert E" <albert.e.manfredi@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "OpenDTV (E-mail)" <opendtv@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 1 May 2005 19:37:24 -0400

Kon Wilms wrote:

> That's not rocket science either.

*None* of this is rocket science. All the more reason why
the press should be able to grasp it better than it
apparently does.

> Who today is using the A/9x data-broadcast standard?

Let's just say that the broadcasters have the tools with
which to compete. Of course, they can choose not to. I
think the discussion of using DTT to download executable
files is an example of how broadcasters will have to gain
some level of confidence in this new stuff.

If DBS and cell phone systems do this sort of thing
routinely, in principle at least, DTT could too. The
broadcasters are the ones to decide this. It's just wrong
to claim they cannot just because they have not (not
saying you made that claim).

> I've seen a name for that - swarm-casting. Has anyone
> really implemented it?

Again, it's a tool that might come in handy, and it's
technically feasible. I only mentioned that to try to
quell the urge for "oooh aaah" every time someone coins
a new catchy name, like Bit Torrent or WiMax. Everything
has to be understood IN CONTEXT.

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