commit/focusHighlight: CommitBot: l10n updates

  • From: commits-noreply@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • To: nvda-addons-commits@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 06 Aug 2015 20:00:34 -0000

1 new commit in focusHighlight:
Changeset: 31478219354d
Branch: stable
User: CommitBot
Date: 2015-08-06 20:00:18+00:00
Summary: l10n updates

Affected #: 20 files

diff --git a/addon/doc/ar/ b/addon/doc/ar/
index bf8c5ab..e61f806 100644
--- a/addon/doc/ar/
+++ b/addon/doc/ar/
@@ -8,15 +8,26 @@
تتبع موضع الكائن المحدد بمؤشر NVDA أو أي عنصر أو كائن محدد بمؤشر النظام،
وذلك عن طريق رسم مستطيل ملون.

-ويستخدم كل من اللونين التاليين في هذه الإضافة:
+The following colors are used by this addon:

* خط أخضر مسنن للإشارة إلى الكائن الحالي المحدد بمؤشر NVDA
-* ومستطيل أحمر رفيع يشير إلى العنصر أو الكائن المحدد بمؤشر النظام
+* Red thin rectangle, to indicate the focused object/control.
* ومستطيل أحمر عريض للإشارة إلى التداخل بين الكائن الحالي المحدد بمؤشر NVDA
والكائن أو العنصر المحدد بمؤشر النظام.
+* Blue thick rectangle with thin slashes, to indicate NVDA is in focus mode,
+ i.e. key types are passed to the control.

لتعطيل تتبع الكائنات يرجى إزالة الإضافة

+## Changes for 3.0 ##
+* Fixed issue with Windows Task Manager.
+* Ability to indicate the focus mode.
+## Changes for 2.1 ##
+* New and updated translations.
## مستجدات الإصدار 2.0 ##

* أصبح من الممكن الوصول لملف المساعدة من مدير الإضافات البرمجية.
@@ -32,6 +43,7 @@
ويندوز 8.
* إصدار أولي

[[!tag dev stable]]


diff --git a/addon/doc/bg/ b/addon/doc/bg/
index 51dd1f4..82b55fb 100644
--- a/addon/doc/bg/
+++ b/addon/doc/bg/
@@ -9,16 +9,26 @@
проследяват местоположението на навигационния обект на NVDA или обекта на

-Добавката използва следните два цвята:
+The following colors are used by this addon:

* зелена назъбена линия, за обозначаване на навигационния обект.
-* тънък червен правоъгълник, за обозначаване на обекта или елемента на
- фокус.
+* Red thin rectangle, to indicate the focused object/control.
* Плътен червен правоъгълник, за обозначаване на ситуацията, в която обектът
на фокус и навигационният обект съвпадат.
+* Blue thick rectangle with thin slashes, to indicate NVDA is in focus mode,
+ i.e. key types are passed to the control.

За да изключите проследяването на обектите, трябва да премахнете добавката.

+## Changes for 3.0 ##
+* Fixed issue with Windows Task Manager.
+* Ability to indicate the focus mode.
+## Changes for 2.1 ##
+* New and updated translations.
## Промени във версия 2.0 ##

* Помощта за добавката е достъпна от мениджъра на добавките.
@@ -35,6 +45,7 @@
под Windows 8.
* Първоначално издание

[[!tag dev stable]]


diff --git a/addon/doc/de/ b/addon/doc/de/
index 7dbb39f..8cc525d 100644
--- a/addon/doc/de/
+++ b/addon/doc/de/
@@ -9,16 +9,27 @@ sehbehinderten Nutzern, sehenden Lehrern oder Entwicklern die
Position des
fokusierten Objektes sowie des Navigator-Objektes auf dem Bildschirm zu

-Die folgenden 2 Farben werden von dieser Erweiterung verwendet:
+The following colors are used by this addon:

* Grüne gezackte Linie, zeigt das Objekt, auf dem der Navigator steht.
-* Ein rotes, dünnes Rechteck zeigt die Position des fokusierten Objekts.
+* Red thin rectangle, to indicate the focused object/control.
* Ein rotes breites Rechteck zeigt an, dass Fokus und Navigator auf dem
gleichen Objekt stehen.
+* Blue thick rectangle with thin slashes, to indicate NVDA is in focus mode,
+ i.e. key types are passed to the control.

Um das hervorheben von Objekten zu deaktivieren, deinstallieren Sie diese

+## Changes for 3.0 ##
+* Fixed issue with Windows Task Manager.
+* Ability to indicate the focus mode.
+## Changes for 2.1 ##
+* New and updated translations.
## Änderungen in 2.0 ##

* Die Hilfe ist nun über den Erweiterungs-Manager verfügbar.
@@ -34,6 +45,7 @@ Erweiterung.
Windows 8 behoben.
* anfängliche Version

[[!tag dev stable]]


diff --git a/addon/doc/es/ b/addon/doc/es/
index 1603e15..65d2483 100644
--- a/addon/doc/es/
+++ b/addon/doc/es/
@@ -9,15 +9,26 @@ con deficiencia visual, educadores videntes, o
desarrolladores para seguir
la posición del navegador de objetos de NVDA y del objeto o control

-Los siguientes 2 colores se utilizan por este complemento:
+Los siguientes colores se utilizan con este complemento:

* Línea quebrada verde, para indicar el navegador de objetos.
* Rectángulo rojo delgado, para indicar el objeto o control enfocado.
* Rectángulo rojo grueso, para indicar cuando el navegador de objetos y el
objeto enfocado se superponen.
+* Rectángulo grueso azul con rayas verticales delgadas, para indicar que
+ NVDA está en el modo foco, es decir, las teclas se pasan al control.

Para deshabilitar el seguimiento de objetos, desinstala el complemento.

+## Cambios para 3.0 ##
+* Corregido un problema con el gestor de tareas de Windows
+* Capacidad para indicar el modo foco.
+## Cambios para 2.1 ##
+* Traducciones nuevas y actualizadas.
## Cambios para 2.0 ##

* La ayuda del complemento está disponible en el Administrador de
@@ -34,6 +45,7 @@ Para deshabilitar el seguimiento de objetos, desinstala el
con el navegador de objetos.
* Versión inicial.

[[!tag dev stable]]


diff --git a/addon/doc/fi/ b/addon/doc/fi/
index 03846b7..f91a909 100644
--- a/addon/doc/fi/
+++ b/addon/doc/fi/
@@ -9,15 +9,27 @@ osittain näkeville käyttäjille, näkeville opettajille tai
NVDA:n navigointiobjektin ja aktiivisen objektin/säätimen sijainnin

-Seuraavaa kahta väriä käytetään:
+Seuraavia värejä käytetään:

-* Vihreä epätasainen viiva, joka ilmaisee navigointiobjektia.
-* Ohut punainen suorakulmio, joka ilmaisee aktiivista objektia/säädintä.
-* Paksu punainen suorakulmio, joka ilmaisee sitä, että navigointiobjekti ja
+* Vihreä, epätasainen viiva, joka ilmaisee navigointiobjektin.
+* Punainen, ohut suorakulmio, joka ilmaisee aktiivisen objektin/säätimen.
+* Punainen, paksu suorakulmio, joka ilmaisee, että navigointiobjekti ja
aktiivinen objekti ovat päällekkäin.
+* Sininen, paksu suorakulmio, jossa ohuita vinoviivoja, joka ilmaisee NVDA:n
+ olevan vuorovaikutustilassa, ts. näppäinpainallukset välitetään nykyiselle
+ säätimelle.

Poista objektien seuranta käytöstä poistamalla tämä lisäosa.

+## Muutokset versiossa 3.0 ##
+* Korjattu Windowsin Tehtävienhallinnan kanssa ilmennyt ongelma.
+* Mahdollisuus vuorovaikutustilan ilmaisemiseen.
+## Muutokset versiossa 2.1 ##
+* Käännöksiä päivitetty ja lisätty.
## Muutokset versiossa 2.0 ##

* Ohje on käytettävissä Lisäosien hallinnasta.
@@ -34,6 +46,7 @@ Poista objektien seuranta käytöstä poistamalla tämä lisäosa.
Windows 8:aa käytettäessä.
* Ensimmäinen versio.

[[!tag dev stable]]


diff --git a/addon/doc/fr/ b/addon/doc/fr/
index d4dff28..05d2c8d 100644
--- a/addon/doc/fr/
+++ b/addon/doc/fr/
@@ -9,15 +9,27 @@ utilisateurs malvoyants, éducateurs voyants ou aux
développeurs de suivre
l'emplacement de l'objet navigateur de NVDA et l'objet mis en focus ou le

-Les 2 couleurs suivantes sont utilisées par ce module complémentaire :
+Les couleurs suivantes sont utilisées par ce module complémentaire :

* Traits en escalier vert, pour indiquer l'objet navigateur.
* Rectangle mince rouge, pour indiquer l'objet mis en focus ou le contrôle.
* Rectangle épais rouge, pour indiquer lorsque l'objet navigateur et
l'objet mis en focus sont chevauchent.
+* Rectangle épais bleu avec fines barres obliques, pour indiquer à NVDA qui
+ est en mode focus, c'est-à-dire les principaux types sont passés au
+ contrôle.

Pour désactiver le suivi d'objets, désinstallez le module complémentaire.

+## Changements pour la version 3.0 ##
+* Correction d'un problème avec le gestionnaire de tâches Windows.
+* Capacité d'indiquer le mode focus.
+## Changements pour la version 2.1 ##
+* Traductions nouvelles et mises à jour.
## Changements pour la version 2.0 ##

* L'aide du module complémentaire est disponible à partir du Gestionnaire de
@@ -34,6 +46,7 @@ Pour désactiver le suivi d'objets, désinstallez le module
avec l'objet navigateur.
* Première version.

[[!tag dev stable]]


diff --git a/addon/doc/gl/ b/addon/doc/gl/
index 9bae5f0..319cd44 100644
--- a/addon/doc/gl/
+++ b/addon/doc/gl/
@@ -8,15 +8,26 @@
deficencia visual, educadores videntes, ou desenvolvedores seguir a posición
do navegador de obxectos do NVDA e o obxecto ou control enfocado.

-As seguintes dúas cores utilízanse por este complemento:
+As seguintes cores utilízanse por este complemento:

* Liña irregular Verde, para indicar o navegador de obxectos.
-* Rectángulo delgado bermello, para indicar o obxecto ou control enfocados.
+* Rectángulo fino bermello, para indicar o obxecto ou control enfocados.
* Rectángulo groso bermello, para indicar cando o navegador de obxectos e o
obxecto enfocado se superpoñen.
+* Rectángulo fino azul con barras finas, para indicar que NVDA está en modo
+ foco, esto é, as teclas pásanse ó control.

Para deshabilitar o seguemento de obxectos, desinstala o complemento.

+## Cambios para 3.0 ##
+* Correxido un problema co xestor de tarefas de Windows.
+* Capacidade para indicar modo foco.
+## Cambios para 2.1 ##
+* Traduccións novas e actualizadas.
## Cambios para 2.0 ##

* A axuda do complemento está dispoñible no Administrador de Complementos.
@@ -32,6 +43,7 @@ Para deshabilitar o seguemento de obxectos, desinstala o
navegador de obxectos.
* Versión inicial.

[[!tag dev stable]]


diff --git a/addon/doc/hr/ b/addon/doc/hr/
index 5d2f509..d0351f8 100644
--- a/addon/doc/hr/
+++ b/addon/doc/hr/
@@ -8,15 +8,26 @@ Ovaj dodatak omogućuje slabovidnim korisnicima, učiteljima
bez problema sa
vidom, ili razvojnim programerima praćenje objekta navigatora NVDA i
fokusiranog objekta/kontrole uz pomoć nacrtanog obojenog pravokutnika.

-Dodatak koristi slijedeće dvije boje:
+The following colors are used by this addon:

* Зелену назублјену црту, која показује објект навигатора
-* crveni tanki pravokutnik, koji pokazuje objekt /kontrolu
+* Red thin rectangle, to indicate the focused object/control.
* crveni tanki pravokutnik, kako bi pokazivao poklapanja između objekta
fokusa i objekta navigatora
+* Blue thick rectangle with thin slashes, to indicate NVDA is in focus mode,
+ i.e. key types are passed to the control.

Da biste onemogućili pračenje objekata, uklonite dodatak.

+## Changes for 3.0 ##
+* Fixed issue with Windows Task Manager.
+* Ability to indicate the focus mode.
+## Changes for 2.1 ##
+* New and updated translations.
## Izmjene u inačici 2.0 ##

* Pomoč dodatka dostupna je u upravitelju dodataka.
@@ -32,6 +43,7 @@ Da biste onemogućili pračenje objekata, uklonite dodatak.
objektom navigatora.
* Prva inačica.

[[!tag dev stable]]


diff --git a/addon/doc/hu/ b/addon/doc/hu/
index fb3d933..aed8f37 100644
--- a/addon/doc/hu/
+++ b/addon/doc/hu/
@@ -8,15 +8,26 @@ Egy megjelenő színes téglalap segítségével a gyengénlátó
fejlesztők vagy oktatók nyomon követhetik a navigátor kurzort és a fókuszban
lévő elemet.

-A következő két szín jelenik meg a kiegészítő használatakor:
+The following colors are used by this addon:

* Zöld szaggatott vonal jelzi az NVDA navigátor kurzorát.
-* Piros vékony téglalap jelzi a fókuszban lévő elemet
+* Red thin rectangle, to indicate the focused object/control.
* Vörös vékony téglalap, mely a fókusz és a navigátor kurzor átfedését
+* Blue thick rectangle with thin slashes, to indicate NVDA is in focus mode,
+ i.e. key types are passed to the control.

Az elemkövetés kikapcsolásához távolítsa el ezt a kiegészítőt.

+## Changes for 3.0 ##
+* Fixed issue with Windows Task Manager.
+* Ability to indicate the focus mode.
+## Changes for 2.1 ##
+* New and updated translations.
## Az 2.0 verzió változásai ##

* A kiegészítő súgója elérhető a bővítménykezelő párbeszédablakából is.
@@ -32,6 +43,7 @@ Az elemkövetés kikapcsolásához távolítsa el ezt a kiegészítőt.
Skype programokban.
* Első verzió

[[!tag dev stable]]


diff --git a/addon/doc/it/ b/addon/doc/it/
index 1f0cf12..69f4646 100644
--- a/addon/doc/it/
+++ b/addon/doc/it/
@@ -9,16 +9,27 @@ ipovedenti, educatori vedenti o agli sviluppatori di tenere
traccia della
posizione dell'oggetto sui cui si trova il navigatore ad oggetti, oppure
dell'oggetto che ha il focus.

-Sono utilizzati i due colori seguenti:
+The following colors are used by this addon:

* Una linea frastagliata verde, per indicare la posizione del navigatore ad
-* Un Rettangolo sottile rosso, per indicare l'oggetto che ha il focus
+* Red thin rectangle, to indicate the focused object/control.
* Un Rettangolo spesso rosso, per indicare quando il navigatore di oggetti e
l'oggetto mirato si sovrappongono.
+* Blue thick rectangle with thin slashes, to indicate NVDA is in focus mode,
+ i.e. key types are passed to the control.

Per disabilitare il monitor dell'oggetto, disinstallare l'addon.

+## Changes for 3.0 ##
+* Fixed issue with Windows Task Manager.
+* Ability to indicate the focus mode.
+## Changes for 2.1 ##
+* New and updated translations.
## Cambiamenti per la 2.0 ##

* L'aiuto è disponibile dalla gestione componenti aggiuntivi di NVDA.
@@ -34,6 +45,7 @@ Per disabilitare il monitor dell'oggetto, disinstallare
il navigatore ad oggetti.
* Versione iniziale.

[[!tag dev stable]]


diff --git a/addon/doc/ja/ b/addon/doc/ja/
index a900fe2..911adb8 100644
--- a/addon/doc/ja/
+++ b/addon/doc/ja/
@@ -7,14 +7,25 @@


+The following colors are used by this addon:

* 緑色のギザギザの線:ナビゲーターオブジェクトを示します。
-* 赤色の細い線:フォーカスのあるオブジェクト・コントロールを示します。
+* Red thin rectangle, to indicate the focused object/control.
* 赤色の太い線:ナビゲーターオブジェクトとフォーカスが重なっていることを示します。
+* Blue thick rectangle with thin slashes, to indicate NVDA is in focus mode,
+ i.e. key types are passed to the control.


+## Changes for 3.0 ##
+* Fixed issue with Windows Task Manager.
+* Ability to indicate the focus mode.
+## Changes for 2.1 ##
+* New and updated translations.
## 2.0 での変更点 ##

* アドオンマネージャーからアドオンの説明を利用できます。
@@ -29,6 +40,7 @@
* Windows 8 における Internet Explorer 10 と Skype のナビゲーターオブジェクトの不具合の修正
* 最初のバージョンです。

[[!tag dev stable]]


diff --git a/addon/doc/ko/ b/addon/doc/ko/
index 484957a..dead8b0 100644
--- a/addon/doc/ko/
+++ b/addon/doc/ko/
@@ -7,14 +7,25 @@
이 추가 기능은 NVDA navigator 객체와 초점이 있는 객체/컨트롤의 위치를 색깔 있는 사각형으로 강조 표시합니다. 시각 장애인
사용자, 시각 장애인 교육자, 또는 개발자에게 유용합니다.

-다음의 2 색이 이 추가 기능에 의해 사용됩니다:
+The following colors are used by this addon:

* 녹색 점선,navigator 객체를 나타냅니다.
-* 빨간색 얇은 선, 초점이 있는 객체/콘트롤을 나타냅니다.
+* Red thin rectangle, to indicate the focused object/control.
* navigator 객체와 포커스가 있는 객체가 겹치는 경우, 빨간색 굵은 선이 표시됩니다.
+* Blue thick rectangle with thin slashes, to indicate NVDA is in focus mode,
+ i.e. key types are passed to the control.

개체의 하이라이트를 비활성화하려면 이 추가 기능을 제거합니다.

+## Changes for 3.0 ##
+* Fixed issue with Windows Task Manager.
+* Ability to indicate the focus mode.
+## Changes for 2.1 ##
+* New and updated translations.
## 2.0에서의 변경사항 ##

* 추가 기능 관리자에서 추가 기능에 대한 도움말을 사용할 수 있음.
@@ -29,6 +40,7 @@
* Windows 8에서 Internet Explorer 10 및 Skype navigator 객체의 버그 수정.
* 첫 번째 버전.

[[!tag dev stable]]


diff --git a/addon/doc/ne/ b/addon/doc/ne/
index 971dfc4..97b2881 100644
--- a/addon/doc/ne/
+++ b/addon/doc/ne/
@@ -8,15 +8,26 @@
विकास कर्तालाइ नेत्रवाणी विचरण वस्तु अथवा केन्द्रीत् वस्तु/नियन्त्रककोस्थान
पहिल्याउन मद्दत गर्ने छ ।

-यो थप-सादनले निम्न दुई रङ्गहरूको प्रयोग गर्छ:
+The following colors are used by this addon:

* विचरण वश्तु जनाउने निलो बाङ्गो लाईन
-* केन्द्रीत वस्तु/नियन्त्रक जनाउनका लागि पातलो रातो रङ्गको चतुर्भुज ।
+* Red thin rectangle, to indicate the focused object/control.
* विचरण बस्तु र केन्द्रीत् वस्तु खप्टिएको जनाउनका लागि मोटो रातो रङ्गको
चतुर्भुज ।
+* Blue thick rectangle with thin slashes, to indicate NVDA is in focus mode,
+ i.e. key types are passed to the control.

वस्तुलाई प्रकास नपार्ने हो भने यो थप-सादनलाई हटाउनु होस् ।

+## Changes for 3.0 ##
+* Fixed issue with Windows Task Manager.
+* Ability to indicate the focus mode.
+## Changes for 2.1 ##
+* New and updated translations.
## २.० संस्करणमा गरिएका परिवर्तनहरू ##

* उप-कर्मी सहयोग उप-कर्मि व्यबस्थापकमा उपलब्ध छ ।.
@@ -32,6 +43,7 @@
समस्याहरूलाई समाधान गरियो ।
* सुरुको संस्करण

[[!tag dev stable]]


diff --git a/addon/doc/nl/ b/addon/doc/nl/
index 29565d1..b14b689 100644
--- a/addon/doc/nl/
+++ b/addon/doc/nl/
@@ -8,16 +8,26 @@ Deze add-on is bedoeld voor slechtziende gebruikers en ziende
en ontwikkelaars. Een gekleurde rechthoek helpt hen om te weten waar het
nvda navigator object is en welk object of control focus heeft.

-Deze add-on gebruikt de volgende 2 kleuren:
+The following colors are used by this addon:

* Een groene golvende lijn duidt het navigatorobject aan.
-* Een rode dunne rechthoek duidt het object of de control aan die focus
- heeft.
+* Red thin rectangle, to indicate the focused object/control.
* Een rode dikke rechthoek duidt aan dat het navigator object overlapt met
het object dat focus heeft.
+* Blue thick rectangle with thin slashes, to indicate NVDA is in focus mode,
+ i.e. key types are passed to the control.

Om object tracking uit te schakelen, verwijdert u de addon.

+## Changes for 3.0 ##
+* Fixed issue with Windows Task Manager.
+* Ability to indicate the focus mode.
+## Changes for 2.1 ##
+* New and updated translations.
## Veranderingen in 2.0 ##

* Add-on help is beschikbaar via Add-ons beheren
@@ -34,6 +44,7 @@ Om object tracking uit te schakelen, verwijdert u de addon.
met het navigatorobject.
* Eerste versie.

[[!tag dev stable]]


diff --git a/addon/doc/pl/ b/addon/doc/pl/
index 576ad37..337f064 100644
--- a/addon/doc/pl/
+++ b/addon/doc/pl/
@@ -8,16 +8,27 @@ Ten dodatek umożliwia niedowidzącym użytkownikom,widzącym
nauczycielom, lub
twórcom śledzenie położenia obiektu nawigatora i punktu uwagi NVDA poprzez
obrysowanie ich kolorowym prostokątem.

-Poniższe 2 kolory są stosowane przez ten dodatek:
+The following colors are used by this addon:

* Zielona, przerywana linia, oznacza obiekt nawigatora., to indicate the
navigator object.
-* Czerwony cienki prostokąt oznacza obiekt/kontrolkę w punkcie uwagi.
+* Red thin rectangle, to indicate the focused object/control.
* Czerwony gruby prostokąt oznacza, że obiekt nawigatora i obiekt/kontrolka
w punkcie uwagi zachodzą na siebie.
+* Blue thick rectangle with thin slashes, to indicate NVDA is in focus mode,
+ i.e. key types are passed to the control.

Aby wyłączyć śledzenie obiektu, odinstaluj ten dodatek.

+## Changes for 3.0 ##
+* Fixed issue with Windows Task Manager.
+* Ability to indicate the focus mode.
+## Changes for 2.1 ##
+* New and updated translations.
## Zmiany dla 2.0 ##

* Pomoc dodatku dostępna w managerze dodatków.
@@ -33,6 +44,7 @@ Aby wyłączyć śledzenie obiektu, odinstaluj ten dodatek.
obiektem nawigatora.
* Pierwsza wersja.

[[!tag dev stable]]


diff --git a/addon/doc/pt_BR/ b/addon/doc/pt_BR/
index e481459..acb2132 100644
--- a/addon/doc/pt_BR/
+++ b/addon/doc/pt_BR/
@@ -8,15 +8,26 @@ Ao desenhar um retângulo colorido, este complemento
possibilita usuários de
baixa visão, educadores de visão normal ou desenvolvedores, acompanhar a
localização do objeto de navegação do NVDA e o objeto/controle em foco.

-O complemento usa as seguintes duas cores:
+The following colors are used by this addon:

* Linha destacada de verde, para indicar objeto de navegação.
-* Um retângulo vermelho fino, para indicar o objeto/controle em foco.
+* Red thin rectangle, to indicate the focused object/control.
* Um retângulo vermelho grosso, para indicar quando o objeto de navegação e
o objeto em foco estão sobrepostos.
+* Blue thick rectangle with thin slashes, to indicate NVDA is in focus mode,
+ i.e. key types are passed to the control.

Para desabilitar o realse de objetos, desinstale o complemento.

+## Changes for 3.0 ##
+* Fixed issue with Windows Task Manager.
+* Ability to indicate the focus mode.
+## Changes for 2.1 ##
+* New and updated translations.
## Mudanças na 2.0 ##

* A ajuda do complemento está disponível no gestor de complementos.
@@ -33,6 +44,7 @@ Para desabilitar o realse de objetos, desinstale o
com o navegador de objetos.
* Versão inicial.

[[!tag dev stable]]


diff --git a/addon/doc/ru/ b/addon/doc/ru/
index 4855e68..3ff6c01 100644
--- a/addon/doc/ru/
+++ b/addon/doc/ru/
@@ -8,16 +8,26 @@
пользователям, зрячим педагогам, или разработчикам отслеживать
местоположение объекта навигатора NVDA и объект/тип управление в фокусе.

-В этом дополнении используются следующие 2 цвета:
+The following colors are used by this addon:

* Зелёная пунктирная линия для указания объекта навигатора.
-* Красный тонкий прямоугольник для указания объекта/типа управления в
- фокусе.
+* Red thin rectangle, to indicate the focused object/control.
* Красный толстый прямоугольник для указания наложения объекта навигатора и
объекта в фокусе.
+* Blue thick rectangle with thin slashes, to indicate NVDA is in focus mode,
+ i.e. key types are passed to the control.

Чтобы отключить отслеживание объекта, удалите дополнение.

+## Changes for 3.0 ##
+* Fixed issue with Windows Task Manager.
+* Ability to indicate the focus mode.
+## Changes for 2.1 ##
+* New and updated translations.
## Изменения для 2.0 ##

* Справка дополнения доступна в диспетчере дополнений.
@@ -33,6 +43,7 @@
* Начальная версия.

[[!tag dev stable]]


diff --git a/addon/doc/sk/ b/addon/doc/sk/
index 0cc47cc..4d8e4ec 100644
--- a/addon/doc/sk/
+++ b/addon/doc/sk/
@@ -8,15 +8,26 @@ Tento doplnok umožňuje slabozrakým používateľom, vidiacim
učiteľom a
vývojárom sledovať navigačný objekt alebo objekt, ktorý má fokus, pomocou
farebného obdĺžnika.

-Na zvýraznenie sa používajú tieto farby:
+The following colors are used by this addon:

* Zelená prerušovaná čiara na zvýraznenie navigačného objektu.
-* červený tenký obdĺžnik na zvýraznenie objektu alebo prvku, ktorý má fokus.
+* Red thin rectangle, to indicate the focused object/control.
* Červený hrubý obdĺžnik na zvýraznenie prekrývajúceho sa navigačného
objektu a objektu, ktorý má fokus.
+* Blue thick rectangle with thin slashes, to indicate NVDA is in focus mode,
+ i.e. key types are passed to the control.

Ak chcete vypnúť zvýrazňovanie, odinštalujte doplnok.

+## Changes for 3.0 ##
+* Fixed issue with Windows Task Manager.
+* Ability to indicate the focus mode.
+## Changes for 2.1 ##
+* New and updated translations.
## Zmeny vo verzii 2.0 ##

* Návod k doplnku nájdete v správcovi doplnkov.
@@ -32,6 +43,7 @@ Ak chcete vypnúť zvýrazňovanie, odinštalujte doplnok.
* Prvé vydanie.

[[!tag dev stable]]


diff --git a/addon/doc/sr/ b/addon/doc/sr/
index ad0f860..a510180 100644
--- a/addon/doc/sr/
+++ b/addon/doc/sr/
@@ -6,14 +6,25 @@

бојом показује фокусирани нвда објекат ово је корисно нпр за видеће особе

-следеће две боје се користе
+The following colors are used by this addon:

* зелена за навигатор објекта
-* црвена за фокусирани објекат
+* Red thin rectangle, to indicate the focused object/control.
* црвени кружић за преклапања
+* Blue thick rectangle with thin slashes, to indicate NVDA is in focus mode,
+ i.e. key types are passed to the control.

да искључите праћење објекта уклоните додатак

+## Changes for 3.0 ##
+* Fixed issue with Windows Task Manager.
+* Ability to indicate the focus mode.
+## Changes for 2.1 ##
+* New and updated translations.
## промене у 2.0 ##

* помоћ за додатак доступна из управљај додацима
@@ -28,6 +39,7 @@
* поправљен проблем у интернет експлорер 11
* прва верзија

[[!tag dev stable]]


diff --git a/addon/doc/tr/ b/addon/doc/tr/
index 70b632f..feaab05 100644
--- a/addon/doc/tr/
+++ b/addon/doc/tr/
@@ -8,16 +8,26 @@ Renkli bir dikdörtgen çizerek, Bu eklenti az gören
kullanıcıların, gören
eğitimcilerin, ya da geliştiricilerin NVDA'nın nesne sunucusunun ya da
odağın konumunu takip edebilmesini sağlar.

-Bu eklenti tarafından aşağıdaki 2 renk kullanılmaktadır:
+The following colors are used by this addon:

* Green jagged line, to indicate the navigator object.
-* Kırmızı ince dikdörtgen, odağın konumundaki nesne veya kontrolü göstermek
- için.
+* Red thin rectangle, to indicate the focused object/control.
* Kırmızı kalın dikdörtgen, odak ve nesne sunucusu aynı konumdaysa
+* Blue thick rectangle with thin slashes, to indicate NVDA is in focus mode,
+ i.e. key types are passed to the control.

Nesne izlemeyi iptal etmek için, eklentiyi kaldırın.

+## Changes for 3.0 ##
+* Fixed issue with Windows Task Manager.
+* Ability to indicate the focus mode.
+## Changes for 2.1 ##
+* New and updated translations.
## Changes for 2.0 ##

* Add-on help is available from the Add-ons Manager.
@@ -33,6 +43,7 @@ Nesne izlemeyi iptal etmek için, eklentiyi kaldırın.
* İlk sürüm.

[[!tag dev stable]]


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