[macvoiceover] Re: nfb trashes voiceover:

  • From: Ignasi Cambra <ignasicambra@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: macvoiceover@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 12 Jun 2009 20:35:39 -0400

I'm thinking about doing a podcast about the Mac in Spanish, but I just can't find the time. It would be really interesting to see how people react to this in Spain. Of course, the big organization has them all stuck with JFW, but I wrote them the other day and they seem willing to put some info about the accessible Mac on their website for people to learn about it, which is a big step forward for them...

On Jun 11, 2009, at 10:56 PM, Dan Eickmeier wrote:

Well like a lot of people in this comunity have been doing podcasts and tutorials in English, I think it would be good if you had some podcasts produced in Italian, as that I think would definitely make people over there aware of the Mac and VO, and it's potential.
On Jun 10, 2009, at 6:26 PM, Rossy wrote:

i don't want to bother anybody but all these discussions leave some questions .... if you are not interested just press del! if somebody can anser my questions write me off list.

1. jaws vs pc , is a long discussion , but i belive that i was happy with jaws , but i could not keep my windows or pc working,. i choosed mac just because i did not want windows eyes or anyother pc short live machine. 2. i teach jaws , free of charge to an older people , but there are few if any of my students that can get really independent on their own even in simple tasks, i belive that mac is very much easier for us normal people which use coputer for readingm mail and web. as i teach free of charge i apreciate that with little efforts i can achieve a lot of independence. maybe if i make me pay it would be a different story. 3. my local blind orgnaisation is trying to follow up the aplle , and they are not against any mac, byt they would like to develop the braille support in italian and i must admit that apple is very closed for outsiders, of course this means more stability but also it means that i get no braille unless they make it , i mean italian braille. for me personally it is not a question because i don't use it!
the question is :
why apple does not involve the associations for blind ? would not be easier to have some blinds in there.... instead of trying up to guess their policy ? for example here in italy , the mac is ideal for my over 60 years students , but they don't speak english neither can search on internet solutions for their problems, apple support is very good , but in italy it does not even know of voice over. just for these i don't mind if the blind organizations are involved but nobody knows from where to begin. i don't know how it works in the states , but in italy there is a lot of noise as soon as some speaking miracle turns on , i guess that if apple wants can make much, much more noise. but it does not get involved in this policy.
leaves to the others in that sense, why?
the final line ! for example if there would be voice over in italian integrated i don't have to pay because the state gives me up to 1200 euro for a screen reader, apple .... why don't think about it , i know a bunch of freaks that wold swich just for this reason. after this boring paragrapg i ask how can somebody organise learnig seminars with the apple assistance?

Il giorno 10/giu/09, alle ore 14:10, David Poehlman ha scritto:

Begin forwarded message:

From: Anne Robertson <conseil@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: June 10, 2009 3:50:14 AM EDT
To: Snow Leopard <seedvosnowleopard@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: And a beta tester wrote this

Hello everyone,

I just read this article and noticed that it was written by someone on this list. I wouldn't mind if the observations were fair and reasonable, but they're not.

Who ever heard of anyone learning to use Windows with Jaws without training? Apple is being held to a completely different standard from any other hardware or software or screenReader provider.

Here's the link:

While not surprising, This article certainly shows a good deal of what the nfb is all about here and this after they went around saying they were responsible for apple making ITunes and the IPod accessible.


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