[macvoiceover] Re: found a demo of read iris pro from the developers

  • From: Michael Babcock <mbabcock06@xxxxxxx>
  • To: macvoiceover@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2009 14:47:22 -0900

where can one get vu scan from? How big is the installer?

On Jan 30, 2009, at 2:40 PM, Jacob Schmude wrote:

Hi Josh
Yes, the installer must be run as an administrator. As it is an older carbon app it will not handle the automatic escolation needed. Has Canon not released an Intel driver, or is Vuescan telling you it cannot find one? I ask because Canon has released intel drivers for just about every Lide model, and I'd be surprised if the 70 was not among them. Sometimes there are other driver issues that cause Vuescan to report that there is no Intel driver, and you may be encountering one of these issues rather than actually lacking a driver.

On Jan 30, 2009, at 18:03, Josh de Lioncourt wrote:

I have a CanoScan LIDE70. The problem is that Canon hasn't made an Intel driver that I can find, and VueScan is incapable, despite what its pages say, of using the PPC driver that Canon does provide under Rosetta.

On further reflection, I wonder if the RedIris installer only works if you're an administrator. I'm going to give that a shot and see.

Josh de Lioncourt
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On Jan 30, 2009, at 2:53 PM, Jacob Schmude wrote:

Hi there
No, the installer isn't all that accessible, it's one of those old Carbon-based apps :(. One would think they'd revamp their installer or just use a standard pkg file. I've never had it crash at the end like that, perhaps something is wrong with the demo version? The program itself is much, much more accessible than its installer, being a fully cocoa-based application.
As far as vuescan goes, what scanner are you trying to use it with?

On Jan 30, 2009, at 17:47, Josh de Lioncourt wrote:

The installer is not terribly accessible, but I managed to get through it by using the mouse a lot. However, at the end, the installer crashes with an error message. Not terribly impressive.

I've not been able to get VueScan working with my scanner yet, either. Disappointing.

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