Re: Projects I may be willing to sponsor

  • From: Pierre-Yves Gérardy <pygy79@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: luajit@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 01:15:12 +0100

On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 12:27 AM, Mike Pall <mike-1412@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Joe Ellsworth wrote:
>> What I really want is a patch that will allow me to use 40 gig of
>> FFI allocations on a server that contains 80 Gig of Ram.
> local x = ffi.cast("double *", ffi.C.malloc(40*2LL^30))
> But, yes ... you need to manually manage the memory. There's
> simply no way to get reliable, performant and automatic memory
> management under these constraints.
> [Ask the Java people about the horrendous things they need to do
> to work around the 'best of their class' garbage collectors for
> huge memory loads.]

If I understand correctly, Joe is using large objects. He may malloc
the large array, and reference them in managed ffi structs that use
the __gc metamethod to clean things up.

Here's what I use for buffers.

    local BUFF_INIT_SIZE = 16
    local charsize = ffi.sizeof"char"
    ffi.cdef"void* malloc (size_t size);"
    ffi.cdef"void free (void* ptr);"

    local Buffer = ffi.metatype(
        --               size,       index,            array
        "struct{uint32_t s; uint32_t i; unsigned char* a;}",
        {__gc = function(self) end}

    local function make_buffer()
        local b = Buffer(
            ffi.C.malloc(BUFF_INIT_SIZE * charsize)
        return b

    local function reserve (buf, size) -- ensure the buffer can
accomodate `size` bytes.
        if size <= buf.s then return end
        repeat buf.s = buf.s * 2 until size <= buf.s end
        local a = C.malloc(buf.s * charsize)
        if a == nil then error("out of memory") end
        ffi.copy(a, buf.a, buf.i)
        buf.a = a


> --Mike

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