[lit-ideas] Re: pleonastic,translated as redundant

  • From: Eric Yost <mr.eric.yost@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 05 Dec 2008 15:18:50 -0500

Offering a very taut ology, David referred to me as a "grade three climber," which substitutes ambiguity for redundancy. John suggests that, "the phrases 'for the time being' and 'on the back burner'" aren't synonymous, but merely overlap. Both are right I reckon.

It could be that "the time being," as David and John suggest, could be the back burner or the front burner. "The time being" is the time being itself, which could be NOW, or even the NOW-moment of imagination of things postponed, or the moment of postponing. Question retracted.

Which provokes another question in the spirit of Mike: why is redundancy and tautology so important in art, yet so de trop in logic? Art is a form of structural reasoning isn't it -- albeit a reasoning carried on by non-syllogistic means?

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