[lit-ideas] Re: Worst Case Scenarios

  • From: Omar Kusturica <omarkusto@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2006 01:04:14 -0700 (PDT)

--- Teemu Pyyluoma <teme17@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> --- Omar Kusturica <omarkusto@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > *The terms such as "China's interests" or "US
> > interests" could use some more critical analysis.
> Well yes, but as few nuclear weapons as possible and
> avoiding global recession for example is in general
> interest.

*As a matter of mathematical principle, I suppose that
having as few nuclear weapons as possible in the world
would make the world safer. But it doesn't follow that
having huge arsenals of nuclear weapons concentrated
in the hands of several states makes it safer. I don't
believe that denying some states the means of
deterrence and self-defense while allowing others
means of coercion and threat is in the global

Also, why are the concerns of those who worry about
nuclear proliferation usually so selective ? Where are
the protests, for example, about the US-India nuclear
deal ?


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