[lit-ideas] Re: Where politics hits the grass

  • From: Andy <mimi.erva@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 7 Nov 2008 11:02:43 -0800 (PST)

Yes, it was deliberate, it was absolutely deliberate, the way the seed 
companies deliberately make it illegal, or so close to illegal that it's 
illegal, for American farmers to keep the seeds from their harvests.  American 
farmers HAVE to buy seeds from the big companies whose seeds are all patented.  
You think it's an accident that they're growing corn based ethanol that has 
near zero EROEI (energy return on energy invested)?  You think it was a 
accident we invaded Iraq?  Oops, didn't know there was oil there..  Yes, Paul 
it was deliberate, all of it deliberate, all the 'revolutions' the CIA staged 
and on and on, all deliberate, on purpose, like the sub prime mess here and now 
the 'bailout'.  Like whoever the president it was who said, this is a country 
of the corporations, by the corporations, for the corporations.  If you want to 
believe in a Disney reality, then do it.  Disney will love it.

--- On Fri, 11/7/08, Paul Stone <pastone@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

From: Paul Stone <pastone@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [lit-ideas] Re: Where politics hits the grass
To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Date: Friday, November 7, 2008, 6:38 PM

On Fri, Nov 7, 2008 at 1:20 PM, Andy <mimi.erva@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Except that the attempts, even goals, of the IMF and World Bank are hardly
> benevolent.  They're in fact quite malevolent.  They encouraged
> people in Africa and Haiti to stop farming and rely on the developed
> countries like the U.S. for their food and now they have no food at all
> because they have no money to buy with, which the IMF adn World Bank so
> helpfully lend them.  They were not encouraging development, they were
> encouraging first world markets for consummate selfish first world
> at the expense of the third world.

You spin quite a conspiracy tale there A^2. Have you ever heard the
warning phrase "the road to Hell is paved with good intentions". What
you accuse both the IMF and WB of is DELIBERATELY and malevolently
setting up the situation that has come to be. I thought I was cynical.
You're beyond cynical, you deal only with results. You want action?
There would be NO action if every 'lesson' to be learned by former
mistakes was taken wrongly to mean that the beginning intention should
not be explored.

Yes, of course, we, humanity, yeasties, fuck things up, but at least
we try something. I'm sure Obamagod will have a few mis-steps here and
there too, but his 'intentions' (evidently/ostensibly) are what a lot
of people might deem 'good'. So... are you going to sit back and wait
for him to fail and then laugh and say "I told you so, there's nothing
we can do!"? Like I said, even when the monkey in chief was elected in
2000, I had hope because I wanted a change from the Clinton years. He
proved himself incapable in no time, and yet, in 2004, the best the
Dems could counter with was a tree-creature from the Wizard of Oz
(metaphor courtesy of someone from last week's Real Time with Bill
Maher) and "4 more years" became the chant of the day.

Obama won because he's appealing to almost EVERYBODY (many more than
50% of the voters) and that's not a racial thing or anything else to
do with his 'kind' -- it's a hopeful thing. For the first time,
is REAL hope, not just traditional hope (like mine of -simple change -
when Bushy was first elected/stole the election whatever). If Barry
Dunham falls flat on his face, it won't because he didn't try and do
what he really wanted to. Will you blame him then? Will you throw your
hands up and say 'we're finished' again?

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