[lit-ideas] Re: Where politics hits the grass

  • From: "Paul Stone" <pastone@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 7 Nov 2008 11:30:49 -0500

Here're some gems (just from the last 24 hours) from Mimi.eey.ore:

(on Race) Society creates the opportunities and impediments and then
decides who gets what and attaches race to it.

(on futility of action) I'm just one yeast out of almost seven
billion, and I'm absolutely ineffective in swaying others.

(on why Gore lost) Best case scenario they voted for Ralph Nader which
is a vote for Bush.

(on nihilism) Maybe the bottom line the way I see it is that the human
race is out to destroy itself, and there's no way I can stop them.

(on humanity) And people are for the most part brainless and heartless,

(on industry) Industry will throw every monkey wrench they possibly
can, whether real or imagined, to stop environmental cleanup and
progress.  I don't get that at all, but that's the way people are.

(on the entire history of humanity) Okay, name something redemptive
and good that humans have come up with.  Absolutely everything humans
have come up with is nonsense.

(on humanity's evil) And as far as beauty goes, that's in nature.
Humans destroy beauty.

(on humanity) Human joy, not to mention end all and be all, takes the
form of money unless
 you can supply other examples of the joy and beauty of human existence.

(on motherhood) I know, I know, motherhood, as if animals aren't
mothers and as if human
 mothers aren't incredibly destructive half or even most of the time.

WOW... I think you need a mood-stabilizing drugs, maybe some long
acting benzodiazepenes and possibly long-term psychotherapy... or at
least, move to an uninhabited island with no internet/tv etc. Have you
heard of bi-polar? You are polar!

smiling this morning because I have, in the words of Michael Geary,
gotten over it,

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