[lit-ideas] Re: When Unspeakable Evil Just Isn't Enough....

  • From: Eric Yost <eyost1132@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 24 Apr 2005 21:22:10 -0400

Marlena wrote: "Some of us will harden our  hearts and
become like the vicimizers and others will sacrifice (that word,  again)
ourselves and our families in order to help our neighbors and friends 
and  those we meet who are in need."


Earlier in her post, Marlena asked about the purpose of governments and 
leaders. An initial answer to her was posting Crane's "Chaplinesque."

A more bitter answer is that the purpose of current leadership is to 
encourage citizens to identify with their victimizers, to get humble 
folk to admire the jackboot as it descends on their faces, to play one 
of the three ineffectual and oblivious friends to every new Job.

Since most Americans spend much of their time in front of a TV showing 
them a fantasy version of their own country, life will have to become 
very difficult--so difficult it can't be hidden behind sitcoms--before 
people's votes will be reality-based rather than fantasy-based.

Yours in democratic miserabilism,

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