[lit-ideas] Re: What to do about Iran: the Brookings Strategy

  • From: Eric Yost <eyost1132@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 03 Feb 2006 03:53:09 -0500

Lawrence: Also, I think the bombing of WMD sites accompanied by Special Forces on the
ground if necessary, will be a cost-effective solution. They haven't
offered evidence that it is more expensive than their approach. We would
still need troops and planes to make sure Iran didn't use its porous borders
to break the containment/isolation/sanctions.

Eric: Here's how they evaluate the downside of use of force, from the same article.

"U.S. air strikes probably could destroy Iran's critical nuclear facilities—at least those we know about. But our intelligence is hardly perfect, so we would not really know if Tehran's nuclear program was in fact destroyed. A military attack against Iran would also undoubtedly generate strong public support among Iranians for an otherwise unpopular regime. Any lingering doubt that they needed a nuclear deterrent would be erased.

"And are we prepared for what Iran could do in return? Through its Shiite partners in Iraq and Afghanistan, it could wreak havoc on our forces and undermine our efforts to stabilize both countries. It could threaten oil shipments through the Strait of Hormuz, through which more than one-third of the world's oil flows, and urge its terrorist friends to launch retaliatory strikes against our allies and us."


That would require putting the US on a real wartime footing, IMHO, not just the current "faux wartime" footing our suburban nihilists already kvetch about as Big Brother. I think our population may be too lazy, cynical, and self-centered to cope well with it. That's not even taking into account the foreign political uproar and the domestic political uproar.

Which leaves us with the full range of covert operations--against the ruling mullahs personally and against their weapons production facilities. And since we don't know what they are, we can't say whether they would work.

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