[lit-ideas] Re: The Piano Man

  • From: Paul Stone <pas@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 23 Aug 2005 11:06:58 -0400

So you don't believe in the unconscious.  How do you explain compulsions
and obsessions?  Do you believe in evolution?

I don't "believe" in ANYTHING for more than about 5 minutes. I'm in flux. I can watch a hokey show like "ufo insiders" with the unctious Robert O Dean and amid the laughter, I can think "you know, that's really interesting". Then I can go outside and pick up Roger Penrose's "Road to Reality" and immerse myself in the beauty of math. Then I come in and catch Kent Hovind [drdino.com] on the tele and think "what if.... nah!!!". I read an article about Islam and read some of the Qu'ran and think "interesting". Then I see the havoc and think "maybe not so interesting". I marvel at the conspiracy theorists and RC nutjobs who actually take Dan Brown's books to heart, all the while, reading them myself and wondering "what's the fuss about?" I tune into the big discussion over on Theoria about Dawkin's " The Selfish Gene" and start thinking about evolution. Then I read Behe's "Darwin's Black Box" and consider ID seriously.

So, you ask me what I believe in? When I'm dreaming, I believe in the unconscious. When I have deja vu, I believe in clairvoyance. When I'm extraordinarily lucky or unlucky, I believe in fate. When I'm at work, I believe in Hell. When I look at the northern Lights on the hood of my car at 3 a.m. with no one around, I believe in God.

I don't need to explain compulsions and obsessions. They just are, just like Phil Enns' love for his favourite flavour of ice cream.

inscrutably yours,

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