[lit-ideas] Re: Talking about emotions

  • From: "John McCreery" <john.mccreery@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Fri, 5 Oct 2007 12:27:23 +0900

On 10/5/07, Andy <min.erva@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Agreed, but this is reactive to someone else's emotions.  It's actually
> squelching one's own emotions.  Up to a point that's necessary.

Actually, no. The idea isn't to squelch your emotions. It is, instead,
to recognize, objectify and use them appropriately. It's look before
you leap; don't stay stuck and fuming where you are, let alone add
fuel to the fire.  As one of our senior trainers puts it, "Recognize
the hot button, give it a name, put it to one side, and stay there for
the caller."


John McCreery
The Word Works, Ltd., Yokohama, JAPAN
Tel. +81-45-314-9324
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