[lit-ideas] Re: Some of you may remember ... ueber-gaffe

  • From: Eric Yost <mr.eric.yost@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 13 Oct 2008 03:48:57 -0400

Judith: "some in the audience might not know where they were and 'how all the country was ready to come together' etc., as they might have been (like me) somewhat cut off from political events at that time"

If Obama makes this assumption about everything substantial in a debate -- i.e., that a good portion of his audience is cut off, hasn't a clue, was busy in Vegas or on Vision Quest, is out to lunch, had the "do not disturb" sign hanging from their sensory deprivation tank -- how does he explain that this same group is in the (real or TV) audience listening to him speak during a Presidential Debate?

Why would they be there? Maybe they took a wrong turn on their way to the mall?

"Say, Wendy, this isn't 'Are You Smarter than a Fifth Grader?' Who are those serious guys in suits?"
     "You're right, Billy Bob. Dang blast that Mapquest!"

Lost in Transition,
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