[lit-ideas] Re: Sherlock Holmes on knowledge of the solar system

  • From: "Phil Enns" <phil.enns@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 2 Jul 2008 18:49:41 +0700

Andreas Ramos wrote:

"As I pointed out for Holmes' concerns, if the earth was at the center
of the solar system, it'd have to be large enough to anchor the
planets. The surface of the earth would be 12,000 times greater.
That's 12,000 earths.  Such a world would have a tremendous impact on

Holmes' point is related, not to whether a different kind of solar
system would make a difference for our planet, but to the fact that
this information is relevant only for a very limited range of
activities.  And apart from living up to some liberal ideal of the
'well-rounded' individual, an ideal articulated in Watson's response,
why would this information be worth knowing?


Phil Enns
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
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