[lit-ideas] Re: Saturday

  • From: David Ritchie <ritchierd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 18 Aug 2007 22:00:16 -0700 (GMT-07:00)

I wrote drafts for the Sunday poem.  They are, alas--or maybe, fortunately, 
from your point of view-- currently vacationing chez le Mac repair shop, 
lazing, nuzzling, snuggling among all the hard cases, hard discs, hardware, 
misbehaving iPods and other thugs.  Meanwhile, all I have to offer is overheard 
teen exuberance at our younger daughter's annual "Monty Python Party."  While 
scarfing pizza they stood around the kitchen and chatted as if I  were not only 
buried in a book but truly an invisible one of them rather than an Authority 
Figure.  This I enjoyed.

at the annual monty python party
among teenage girls
when i look up from the latest adventures of arkedy renko
i detect neither innocence nor guilt

i just catch phrases

if venice sinks in seventy years
i'll live in it for sixty 
my dad's like godparent
or something?
married an italian
and they have an apartment 
in a palazzo 
and we were invited to their friends who have an apartment 
in a palazzo 
on the grand canal 
and oh my god we were like looking down on the grand canal
it was sooo cool 

in japanese class once 
no you tell it
in japanese class 
we were given a diagram of like body parts?
and we were supposed to identify them?
and you said like 
i'm aroused
japanese was like that

you have a boyfriend who is in art school?
and he teaches at evergreen?
is that like legal?

David Ritchie,
Portland, Oregon

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