[lit-ideas] Re: Movie

  • From: Eric Yost <eyost1132@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 27 Aug 2006 23:51:08 -0400

>> In the meantime, I don't want to empathize with the enemy, I want to defeat them. I know it's contrarian, but so what? Sales of the Koran skyrocketed after 9/11, which tells me that there are plenty of people willing to empathize with
the enemy, learn what load of horseshit loosed a
psychopathic god (to mangle Auden) and so on.

Irene: And/or some people want to know what it is they want to defeat. . . . So, yes, in perfect keeping with American stupidity, Eric wants to defeat the enemy by wishful thinking, by knowing nothing about them.

Nonsense. We know their strategy and tactics. That's sufficient and has been sufficient historically. Not many Americans read _Mein Kampf_ or studied up on Shinto during World War II. Instead, we broke the German and Japanese codes, studied their military strategy and tactics, analyzed their weak points, and brought them down, while remaining largely ignorant of Wagnerian apocalypse or tea ceremony. As for "American stupidity," I think you are a far better exemplar than I am.

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