[lit-ideas] Re: Meta-Philosophy

  • From: Jlsperanza@xxxxxxx
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 21 Aug 2004 22:20:22 EDT

Thanks to R. Paul for his commentary. He writes:
There might be  sociological or historical accounts of what philosophers do 
studies  and accounts of what physicists do are fairly frequent), but neither
could  establish what philosophy _was_, for any such investigation would have 
begin with an answer to the question 'What is philosophy?' in hand.  No
quasi-empirical investigation can investigate what philosophers do  unless it 
distinguish between philosophers rightly so-called and other  sorts of 

Metaphilosophy, the journal, assumes that its  audience is (mostly) 
and further assumes that it can carve  philosophy at the joints without 
over what philosophy is  'really.' (I know this a priori.)


I tend to agree. One problem here is, however, linguistic. If 'meta-' means  
'recursion' (or something like that) then, indeed, 'meta-philosophy' should be 
 the 'philosophy of philosophy', rather than, say, the 'sociology' or  
'psychology' of philosophy (whatever that could be). -- As Wittgenstein  (and 
would agree) would say: there are as many psychologies as there are  
philosophers (or philosophies), etc.
But 'meta-' can mean just 'discourse on...', in which case, a sociological  
theory of what philosophy is all about (or even of what philosophy _is_) would  
count as metaphilosophical.

For the records, below, the def. of the OED of 'metaphilosophy',  
'metaphilosophical', and the _dated_ quotes. The main metaphilosopher quoted is 
Italian?) named "Bacca" ('female cow'?). -- Cheers,

Under "meta-"

With sense â??beyond, above, at a higher levelâ??. Prefixed to the name of a 
subject or  discipline to denote another which deals with ulterior issues in 
same field,  or which raises questions about the nature of the original 
discipline and its  methods, procedures, and assumptions, as ... 
... Also applied to related  adjectives, as meta-philosophical  ...

1942 Mind 51 284 
â??Why are no philosophical disputes ever  settled?â?? It is with this â??
metaphilosophicalâ?? problem..that Professor Ducasse's  book..is concerned. 
1979 Yale French Stud. No. 58 96 
Marx and Heidegger try to surpass  philosophy... Their thought could be 
called metaphilosophical. 
1992 Nous 26 245 
Cohen's metaphilosophical distinctions  between categorical and hypothetical, 
and between deductive and inductive forms  of analytic philosophizing. 

1941 Jrnl. Philos. 38 668  

The impression that Bacca's whole  enterprise smacks of something beyond 
philosophy, meta-philosophy, a  product of a theological voice in the 
1970 M. LAZEROWITZ in Metaphilosophy 1 91 
Metaphilosophy is the  investigation of the nature of philosophy, with the 
central aim of arriving at a  satisfactory explanation of the absence of 
uncontested philosophical claims and  arguments. 
1994 Philos. & Phenomenol. Res. 54 453 
Such a conceptual idealism aligns itself  smoothly with a metaphilosophy of 
experiential perspectivism.

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