[lit-ideas] Boredom

  • From: Jlsperanza@xxxxxxx
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 21 Aug 2004 22:08:34 EDT

Geary writes:
If  you're bored, what pops first into your mind?  Fucking.  (well,  into
guy's minds anyway, who knows what women think when they're bored --  women
might, but they never let on so as we guys can  know).

For the sake of it (I guess seeing if I could prove or disprove Geary's  
theory), I typed, with Google.com: "f*cking can be so boring", and got no hits. 
There are _two_ hits for "f*cking becomes boring", and neither disproving  
Geary's point, so I guess he is right.


Google hits for "f*cking becomes  boring": 
... Additionally, free love is a nice idea and  all, but if you can really 
anyone you want any time you want,  f*cking becomes boring. ... 
www.jimhodgson.com/archives/001045.html - 16k  
... uninteresting, I become upset. And ask any  reputed sexual pyscologist: 
f*cking becomes boring,  you have a problem. I just makes ... 

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