[lit-ideas] Re: Hersh's New Yorker article re Iran

  • From: JimKandJulieB@xxxxxxx
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 9 Apr 2006 03:59:55 EDT

<<But  there's another country which has nuclear weapons. And it's led by a 
Muslim. Any  

It's India.>> 
Funny you should mention  that..... 
<<  U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has downplayed concerns about 
India's  links with Iran as she lobbies Congress to support the controversial 
nuclear  cooperation agreement struck between India and the United States last  
Julie Krueger
tempted to take up knitting

========Original Message========
Subj: [lit-ideas] Re: Hersh's New Yorker article re Iran  Date: 4/9/06 
1:47:40 A.M. Central Daylight Time  From: _andreas@xxxxxxxxxxxx 
(mailto:andreas@xxxxxxxxxxx)   To: _lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx 
Sent on:    
What's the fear about Iran and the bomb? Is it a  fear that Islam will have 
nuclear weapons? 
Or is it something  else?

Islam already has nuclear weapons. Pakistan has perhaps a hundred  bombs. 
Pakistan is ruled 
by their military and the officers are deeply  fundamentalist. (Where did 
Pakistan get its 
weapons? Apparently from  Brezinski, Carter's National Security Advisor.)

But there's another  country which has nuclear weapons. And it's led by a 
Muslim. Any  

It's India. The development of the Indian nuclear weapons  was led by Dr. 
Kalam. He is 
Muslim. And he's now the president of India.  India has several hundred 
nuclear weapons. The 
recent India/US agreement  will let India produce many more bombs.

So why isn't the Bush White House  all in a twitter about this? Muslims have 
their fingers on 
the trigger. And  the Bushies don't care at all.

I don't think it's about Islamic Iran  having nuclear weapons. I think that's 
an excuse to 
attack Iran and seize  the oil, just like the bogus Iraqi WMDs were the 
justification for the 
Iraqi  invasion.


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