[lit-ideas] European civil war

  • From: Scribe1865@xxxxxxx
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2004 09:58:36 EST

It's been suggested that Islamic immigrant populations in Europe are so 
resistant to assimilation that--in a decade or two--Europe may face the 
prospect of 
civil war or transformation into a Muslim power Bloc. 
The cultural pressures Europeans face from their immigrant populations is 
largely overlooked by the US press, which tends to see things like the French 
on head-coverings in schools as isolated phenomena rather than a policy 
directed toward national assimilation.

Is the suggestion of growing conflict in Europe just some propaganda I have 
unwittingly stumbled upon, or does it reflect a real concern among Europeans?

Mr. Consistency

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