[lit-ideas] Re: Emotion and Politics

  • From: "Phil Enns" <phil.enns@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2006 09:28:47 -0500

'Andy' wrote:

"Are you saying Iron Maiden coined the phrase for the first time?
(Somehow I got through life never having heard Iron Maiden.)"

'Andy', your reading skills are terrible.  Really, quite bad.  You might
want to look into whether there are drugs for this problem.  I never
said anything about who coined the phrase.  And sorry to hear you have
never listened to Maiden.  It does explain quite alot.

'Andy' goes on:

"Why in the world would you think emotions and politics is silly?"

Again with the poor reading skills.  If you had paid attention, you
would have noticed that it was the thread to which I was referring.  Is
this an attention problem?  Perhaps you have your rote responses and you
can't be bothered to pay attention?  I think there are drugs for that.

And 'Andy' goes on:

"Humans don't know the meaning of the word rational."

I do.  I can spell it and even use it in a sentence.  So, in the future,
if you feel the need to say such a thing, could you please write,
'Humans, with the exception of Phil Enns, don't know the meaning of the
word rational'.  Thank you.

And goes on:

"But silly sounds like denial."

Not to my ear, though they do share the consonant 'L'.  Perhaps it is a
speech impediment?  There might be drugs for that too.

Here to help*,

Phil Enns
Toronto, ON

*Shamelessly stolen from The Koala Brothers.

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