[lit-ideas] Re: Dogo Argentino, etc

  • From: "Judith Evans" <judith.evans001@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 17:56:24 -0000

I'm sorry, Eric. Of course, that's happened here too. Staffordshires are potentially dangerous too, as they have the same grip, but are characteristically less aggressive. Here now though there's a Staffordshire/Staffordshire-cross problem as they've become a macho symbol and are sometimes trained, not very responsibly or well, as 'guard' dogs.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Eric Yost" <mr.eric.yost@xxxxxxxxx>
To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2008 5:22 PM
Subject: [lit-ideas] Re: Dogo Argentino, etc

>>Eric, what breed of dog did you have that was
attacked by the pit bull?

German Shepherd-Doberman mix ... very gentle. Dogs are always on the leash in NYC unless in a dog run. She was a rescue I had trained for several years.

The suddenness was part of the trauma. She was playing with the pit bull in the dog run. Next second, a yelp, the pit had her by the throat. I ran toward the locked pair. By the time I got there, my dog was silent.

Grappled pit down and locked it with my dog pulled down still in its grip. I spear punched its temples and nose. It seemed timeless ... horrible to be wailing away at an animal with all one's strength to no effect.

More horrible to realize that even after I had knocked it out, it still kept its death grip. Started eye-gouging with thumb and index point, and its involuntary reflex from being gouged finally -- how many years had gone by? -- forced its jaws open.

Only then did I hear the other people in the dog-run screaming at the lady who had brought the pit bull. My dog was crumpled in the wood chips for a while panting in a whining rasp tone. I carried her home in my arms. She never played with other dogs in the dog run again.

A week or so later, a friend sent me a news clipping of another man, this time in Brooklyn, who had been involved in a similar fracas. He was unlucky. The pit bull tore off part of his face while he was defending his dog.


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