[lit-ideas] Re: Cheney's shooting expedition

  • From: Teemu Pyyluoma <teme17@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 22 Feb 2006 03:00:53 -0800 (PST)

I know I promised I'm done for the day...
--- JimKandJulieB@xxxxxxx wrote:

> I was taught piano from age 4 and violin from age 8
> -- I wanted to play the  
> flute, but my Mother had wanted to have violin
> lessons when she was a kid and  
> couldn't, so she wanted them badly for me.  I didn't
> want to hurt her  
> feelings....

One mature kid you were. My mother didn't drag me into
hobbies too much, but the few times she did I was just
perplexed and whatever she felt didn't really
register. I should ask her, I think.

When I was about six, she drove me (by bike) to
something called "creative exercise" which is kind of
junior ballet. Or something, it was weird anyway. We
were instructed to run around like swans, I pointed
out that swans to my knowledge don't run. I just
remember thinking is there something wrong with me or
all these other people running around mindlessly. I
think we didn't go again.

Two years after that, I was at entry exams to a music
school (I think my teacher had something to do with
it). I clapped some sticks to the beat given by the
examiner. I remember wondering why then too, but there
is something about beating with sticks that agrees
better with a boy then "now where are all light, and
high..." Still, I was not admitted.

> When I had to  leave College I 
> couldn't face the instruments anymore.  I haven't
> touched  the violin since.  

Ah, the violin. Divine instrument in skilled hands,
but... Only one in my entire family who plays is my
uncle. Tone deaf and with no sense of rhytm. And he
plays Violin, started at 50. My normally reserved
grandma, after listening politely for years to him
playing, told him to "not bring that bloody thing in
my house again." Uncle concluded that grandma doesn't
like music anymore.

And it is petrol. I figured Marlena must have a huge
house to heat, but I just didn't undertand what it has
to do with the music teacher in Kansas.

Helsinki, Finland

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