[lit-ideas] Re: Boeing and the Aviation Market

  • From: "Lawrence Helm" <lawrencehelm@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 18 Jan 2007 14:17:02 -0800

Lieblich Irene!  Making sense is not your forte.  Everyone has to learn her
limitations.  Or his: Herr Lawrence called for my assistance when he could
make no sense whatsoever from your note which was purported to be a reply to
a note he posted on Boeing's Commercial Aircraft enterprise - something he
is very familiar with.  Your note introduced with some degree of force and
hostility irrelevant (to his note) attacks on something irrelevant because
you read it on something that the rest of us must watch, the BBC.   Herr
Helm, being a stickler on matters of Logic would have preferred that you
developed your own premises rather than use his which you didn't read and
which your argument clearly did not follow from - whatever your argument was
(he confided that he still wasn't sure what it is).  


Tch, tch, tch.  Old Sigmund obviously touched a nerve on the Russian
subject.  Well, well, well.  Hmmmm.  Okay, more on that later.


And then your cri d'coer asking Herr Lawrence to make sense out of something
you clearly can't make sense of.   Well, I can assure you he can't do it
either.  He is putting Vista on a new Laptop and that is taxing his
attention to the fullest.







From: lit-ideas-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:lit-ideas-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Andy Amago
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 10:54 AM
To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [lit-ideas] Re: Boeing and the Aviation Market


Before I saw your post below I set out to say that none of my remarks
earlier were meant in any way at you personally.  Military Keynesianism,
corporations canceling and reneging on pensions, all that is a national
phenomenon.  It has nothing to do with you.  That said, I then saw your post
... so,

Lawrence, the best defense is an offense, but this is just stupid.  Mother
Russia?  What are you talking about?  I said that the SU never took off as a
country.  Are you listening?  The SU never took off as a country, that's why
it felt apart.  Woe is ours that we never saw it coming.  I happen to know
the language, and I like the language a lot, but what does that have to do
with recognizing the problems in this country?  To knee jerk that every time
one sees something wrong with this country is to pine for Mother Russia?
Would you say that to Niall Ferguson?  To General Odom?  Are these people
pining for Mother Russia?  Is James Baker pining for Mother Russia?  Is
Kagan pining for Mother Russia when he says that we're at the "Break Glass
in Emergency" stage in Iraq?  If anything, your shutting down communication
every time someone says something needs to be corrected in this country is
acting like a Communist.  Perhaps *you're* pining for an autocratic system?
Perhaps *you* admire Putin's methods and think we need more of them?  As I
recall, you're all for eavesdropping and the like.  Anyway, if you're going
to go on a gratuitous offense, at least make some sense.  




-----Original Message----- 
From: Lawrence Helm 
Sent: Jan 18, 2007 12:53 PM 
To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx 
Subject: [lit-ideas] Re: Boeing and the Aviation Market 

I think you need old Sigmund's help, Irene.  Poor Herr Helm isn't going to
have the foggiest idea what you are talking about.  He is going to expect
you to reply to the article he posted rather than one you read on the BBC
which he isn't going to even think possible.  Further, his article has
nothing to say about mass transit which is going to further befuddle him.
But old Sigmund sees your longing for mother Russia and your resentment of
Herr Helm's insensitive insults about the ineptness of group-think and
socialistic planning which would have worked well enough were it not for a
few little problems here and there.  What do you think about that Irene?
And about what Putin is doing to bring some semblance of order back after
all those gangsterish inroads by the so-called free-enterprise people? 





From: lit-ideas-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:lit-ideas-bounce@xxxxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of Andy Amago
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 9:31 AM
To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [lit-ideas] Re: Boeing and the Aviation Market


I had read it on Russian BBC yesterday.  I know what it's about and it
doesn't affect my statements about military Keynesiansim.   Those are the
same companies that contract for the government.  I don't see any trains
being built in this country for mass transit purposes, not in any meaningful



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