[lit-ideas] Re: Another Bush failure?

  • From: Paul Stone <pas@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2006 23:04:57 -0400

At 10:50 PM 8/30/2006, you wrote:

Care to translate?

Oh, come on Reney, haven't you ever done a crypto-quote before?

Just remember, whatever I said, and I don't honestly remember [there are probably typos -- how does one check?] what is in there... was just visceral. I do remember that it's completely non-committal and un conservative. Maybe that'll give you a start. On the other hand, i think I may have sworn once or twice, as I am wont to do. It's Wednesday and I'm just reactin.


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