[lit-ideas] Re: Another Bush failure?

  • From: "Andy Amago" <aamago@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2006 08:58:16 -0400

I know this wasn't addressed to me, but I relate to the word hopeless. 
Power lies in those who can win hearts and minds.  History has proven over
and over that living by the sword doesn't work, yet both the U.S. and
Israel win hearts and minds with bullets.  And they do it over and over no
matter how much it backfires.  Hezbollah is out there handing out money and
rebuilding while we're still supporting war lords in Somalia.  Or, were
supporting war lords in Somalia until al Qaeda came in and won Somalian
hearts and minds that were so beneath us and we became irrelevant, while al
Qaeda found another foothold.  

There are signs scattered among the rubble in Lebanon that say, Made in
America and The New Middle East.  We send arms far better than we send aid
or organize rebuilding efforts, including of our own states.  That has to
be an extension of our hatred for 'socialism', for people in general unless
they're very rich.  When we first invaded Iraq, the Americans secured the
oil plant, but left the water to become contaminated and unavailable.  What
was the message to the Iraqis?  Die, we just need your oil.  American
priorities didn't go unnoticed by the Iraqis.   I don't quite know what the
Marshall Plan was founded on.  Probably economic reality.  We need them to
trade with.  It's clear we'll continue bumbling along, shooting wildly with
our half trillion dollar military, supporting repressive regimes
everywhere.  Historians will at some point figure out what happened with
the short-lived superpower, for a nanosecond hyperpower, called the United
States.  Maybe they'll say greed isn't so good?  Who knows.

> [Original Message]
> From: Carol Kirschenbaum <carolkir@xxxxxxxx>
> To: <lit-ideas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Date: 8/29/2006 3:11:43 AM
> Subject: [lit-ideas] Re: Another Bush failure?
> Omar wrote:
> >and no, I don't think that a Democrat victory in elections would
> >change much.
> ck: I'm hearing "hopeless" from you, towards both the US and Israel, as 
> nations. What does that mean to you? Approval of jihad with whatever
> are the most destructive? What?
> Carol
> from Omar:
> > The US appalling foreign policies are also due to
> > deeper structural problems of the American political
> > system and even the American society rather than just
> > the personality of the current President and no, I
> > don't think that a Democrat victory in elections would
> > change much. 
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