[Linux-Anyway] Re: eth1

  • From: horrorvacui@xxxxxxx
  • To: Linux-Anyway@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 6 Mar 2003 22:20:20 +0100

On Thu, 6 Mar 2003 12:16:04 -0800 (PST)
Meph Istopheles <meph@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>   Horror,
> > The reason is that you don't have eth1. You have only one NIC
> > in there, right?
>   Uh, no.  There are two phisical nics.  They appear to be using 
> the same irq, but different addresses.
>   It may be that the second nic isn't actually recognised by the 
> system, &, to get two addresses, the system uses different base 
> addresses for the same nic?

Don't know - I'm not very good with interrupts and hardware. Have you
tried pinging both of them from the Linux box?

> > Then eth1 is what you could call "virtual interface", hehe. The
> > one that's physically connected with your winbox is eth0
>   Huh?  There is an eth0 on each box.  Win eth0 is set to 
> (or was & eth0 on the Linux box is 
>, while the Linux box eth1 is (was 
> (note: the dsl router is set to
>   So, here you ~really~ confuse me.

Nay, YOU confuse ME ;-) From what we talked on the matter previously, I
concluded that your Linux box has only one NIC. Here some ASCII-art to
show my ideas about it:

                    | linux box |
                          | NIC with 2 IP's, one public,
                          | one private
private IP's, winbox-----hub-------------public addresses,
          ______________// \\___________     uplink
          ______________/   \___________

Here we have two networks sharing the same hub (the separation running
vertically through the linux box, cable and the hub), but they behave as
if they were fully separate networks. In order for the winbox (private
network) to communicate with any other machine (public network), you still
need a router. Being a router usually involves at least two NIC's, but not
necessarily. Here you're saving yourself a hub and there's no reason not
to save yourself a NIC and a cable too, by configuring eth0 with two IP's,
thus making it a member of both networks. All you would need now are
static routes between private and public network, and it should work. The
data travelling from the private network go up the cable to the linux box,
are routed to the other network, travel back through the cable and to the
I believed that while trying to configure the eth0 with two IP's, you
inadvertently configured a non-existant eth1 and failed to notice the

So what do you have now? both eth0 and eth1 connected to the same hub? Or
have you connected eth1 and the winbox directly via a crossover cable?

>   Interesting.  I wonder though, after running it on eth0 
> without error, I still get:

What it gives me, is:

eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:00:CB:60:44:D2  
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          RX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:100 
          Interrupt:10 Base address:0x4000 

eth0:1    Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:00:CB:60:44:D2  
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          Interrupt:10 Base address:0x4000

the "eth0:1" entry shows me the second IP address I have on that NIC. But
forget the double IP's, since you have two NIC's in there - let's work


Horror Vacui

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