Re: the traitors in our midst

  • From: Henning Wulff <henningw@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: leica@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 30 Mar 2004 19:56:44 -0800

At 8:11 PM -0500 3/30/04, Sam wrote:

Brad, I've been wondering too. If they are digest people who inadvertently were changed to individual emails, you would think they might be bright enough to determine that there is a problem. The list has not generated a lot of email lately, and any dumb sh*t should be able to understand that the peoblem will not last forever.

I'll bet the Leica emails are getting in the way of porno emails, and that is making people hot as hades.

Sam S

You are obviously (I hope!) not aware of the problem. I used to subscribe to the LEG about 4 years ago, and have been unsubscribed since then. Yesterday I started receiving this flood of e-mails, mostly from angry people who, like me, aren't subscribed to Roger's list anymore.

I went to (the web link should be posted more directly; although assumptions can be made and it works, a few more keystrokes in the footer would make it clearer) and went through the process to get a password so I could manage this inadvertent subscription. I think after all this I will remain subscribed or rather will re-subscribe after my upcoming trip, since I enjoy the contributions of a number of the subscribers on this list.

You shouldn't get so rude towards people who have probably been subscribed inadvertently. Especially when it contains people who write comments like the above.

   *            Henning J. Wulff
  /|\      Wulff Photography & Design
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