[karc] Re: HF setting off more than touch lamps...

  • From: jason Beyers <jason.e.beyers@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: karc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2013 22:00:49 -0500

Im thinking its a ground problem as well, i would try tapping in to the
earth ground at your electrical panel, but not sure if that is
a recommended procedure. i know that they usually put a hefty rod in the
earth for a country service. i dont have water pipe to tap into here, and
use both a ground rod at the the base of my antenna tower and the ground
from my hydro service for my radios.
On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 8:59 PM, Larissa Reise <ve3kgc@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> This evening, during our KARC HF net on 80m, my "XYM" brought it to my
> attention that our basement toilet (electronic, mounted on its own sump
> pump" was cycling without actually flushing, anytime I keyed up.
>  Naturally, this causes him a little distress.
> He is used to military radios which typically broadcast only encrypted VHF
> and HF and usually don't have inconvenient appliances such as touch-lamps
> and toilets nearby to be affected.  (and I have my suspicions that those
> radios are somewhat underpowered on the transmitter side, compared to our
> Ham kit!)
> I attempted to run a little band-switch test with Jason VE3OWE by QSYing up
> to 40m, but I wasn't able to contact him there and when I QSYed back to
> 80m, it seems everyone else had disappeared off frequency too.  So I can't
> report whether transmitting on a different frequency or band still affects
> the toilet.
> Does anyone have any insight into this sort of thing?  Can anyone suggest a
> way to mitigate it? (RF chokes?)
> Or is it just another curiosity of HF usage from within a home?  (At least,
> it hasn't disrupted his online gaming at all - I'd never hear the end of it
> if it did!)
> Thoughts? Advice? Questions? Silly remarks? :)
> Larissa

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