[karc] HF setting off more than touch lamps...

  • From: Larissa Reise <ve3kgc@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "karc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" <karc@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 12 Feb 2013 20:59:37 -0500

This evening, during our KARC HF net on 80m, my "XYM" brought it to my
attention that our basement toilet (electronic, mounted on its own sump
pump" was cycling without actually flushing, anytime I keyed up.
 Naturally, this causes him a little distress.
He is used to military radios which typically broadcast only encrypted VHF
and HF and usually don't have inconvenient appliances such as touch-lamps
and toilets nearby to be affected.  (and I have my suspicions that those
radios are somewhat underpowered on the transmitter side, compared to our
Ham kit!)

I attempted to run a little band-switch test with Jason VE3OWE by QSYing up
to 40m, but I wasn't able to contact him there and when I QSYed back to
80m, it seems everyone else had disappeared off frequency too.  So I can't
report whether transmitting on a different frequency or band still affects
the toilet.

Does anyone have any insight into this sort of thing?  Can anyone suggest a
way to mitigate it? (RF chokes?)

Or is it just another curiosity of HF usage from within a home?  (At least,
it hasn't disrupted his online gaming at all - I'd never hear the end of it
if it did!)

Thoughts? Advice? Questions? Silly remarks? :)


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