[jjr69] Re: Martin Luther King's Opposition to the War on Iraq

  • From: Vanthdo@xxxxxxx
  • To: jjr69@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2003 19:07:32 EST

Dear anh Dung (Luu),

I think Mr. Nash was equating the 2 wars with respect to the effect they 
might have on this American society, i.e., the poor Blacks and Hispanics who 
usually are sent to war to die.  His argument is more based on a social 
context than a political or ideological one.  

I think the argument has some merit, even when we think back to our Vietnam 
war, where most of the kids from well to do family usually found a way out of 
the draft and thus out of harm's way.  I say this without any judgment or 
criticism toward the rich kids.  It is just the way things work, as unfair as 
some of us may perceive it.  I say it though with sadness and with a 
conviction to oppose this war, or any war for that matter.  I see no purpose 
in killing people just to assert an authority, a power, or to further any 
ends.  Simplistic as some thought my beliefs are, I can hardly see how we can 
otherwise justify losses of lives, properties, country, peace and happiness 
to the dictates of a few powerful people who hold our children's fates in 
their hands.

In substituting the word "Iraq" for Vietnam", just as anh Khai has so well 
understood it, you are only asked to look at and compare the impact of the 2 
wars on the 2 countries' social fabric.

Mr. Nash is not a politician, he is an academic professor on the East Coast, 
and has spent his life working on great causes helping the poor immigrants 
and fighting for justice.


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