[jjr69] Re: Martin Luther King's Opposition to the War on Iraq

  • From: Vanthdo@xxxxxxx
  • To: jjr69@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2003 15:05:26 EST

Dear Viet,

I happen to agree with anh Dat, that the only war we should wage is a 
defensive war, or one undertaken to stop genocide, if that is the true goal 
of the war...

I don't think anh Dat had any comments about the collateral consequences of 
the "Mission Civilisatrice" or the "White Man's Burden,"  good or bad.  That 
we went to a French school or that we are sitting here discussing this in 
English to me is not that relevant, as these things "happened" to us, and if 
they add or take anything away from us as independent, free thinking 
individuals, it is really for us to assess and decide whether to retain them. 
 I am sure you would conclude as I did, that, without forgetting my 
Vietnamese roots, it does help me to be able to understand and function in 
other languages.  I personally do not wish to turn into a French person or an 
American person, but I do want to be well adjusted wherever I choose to live. 
 On the other hand, good results of an evil thing do not make the evil thing 
good.  Evil intents cloaked in lofty words could not miraculously turn into 
good missions...

I only agree with half of what you said about the "defensive" war in VN.  
That war was only defensive as far as some of us Vietnamese are concerned.  
The American part of it was neither just nor defensive.  There should be no 
room for a powerful nation to step into our internal conflicts hands on, 
escalate the conflict, and then withdraw, dumping us like hot potatoes.  Were 
they really helping us or using us?  And if their intentions were pure that 
they were trying to help us, they sure did a bad job doing so... My husband 
Jim believed in that war, and still does,  but this is one of the rare 
instances where I disagree with him.  

I would say war does not HONOR any of its participating countries...  We 
should honor our soldiers, who are sent to die or suffer in the war, and who 
really have no say one way or the other, but we should not honor any country 
waging wars...

Viet, you need not apologize for your thoughts to anyone.  The way you think 
and feel is the result of your life experience and circumstances, sufferings, 
joys, pains,  family... If someone disagrees with you, it does mean they are 
angry with you or dislike you.  Nor does it mean that your points are not 



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