[openbeos] Re: What happened to BeOS in your OpenBeOS plans?

  • From: "Michael Phipps" <mphipps1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: openbeos@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2002 22:29:00 -0500

>I thought that the goal of OpenBeOS was to recreate BeOS.
>Does not BeOS use BeIDE _and_ makefiles??    

Yes, it does.

>While I'm not a programmer by trade, all that I can say is that
>I don't trust any code from a programmer who can't figure out
>how to get make to work.   Sure it's a pain in the @ss, but
>make is fundamental to the GCC project and BeOS uses

I am far from a make expert. I have to look everything up. :-/
BeIDE was never intended for, and probably will not work with,
recursively building a project the size of OBOS.  Automated
builds are your friends, as are automated unit tests. That is 
the key reason not to have BeIDE *ONLY* directories.

>I wish that I could program better because I really would like
>to see BeOS survive.   I'm slowly working on it....

There are tons of other ways to contribute. Let Aaron know
what other things you can do, if you want to and have some
spare time.

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