[haiku-development] Re: Should these be implemented?

  • From: Alexandre Deckner <alex@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: haiku-development@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 12 Jul 2009 12:29:07 +0200

Fredrik Modèen wrote:
Ticket #2830
Since you can change the default application and permissions of a file in
the Get Info panel, the name isn't really adequate.
I propose "Properties". Can we keep the short-cut ALT+I ? I dunno...

Axel responce: IIRC Mac OS X has the same problem. Maybe we could just
remove the "Get" to be able to keep the shortcut.
Keep as is and close the ticket.

That doesn't seems logical to me, as the comments are not really against the proposition, more the contrary even. I would just discuss further the issue in the ticket itself (otherwise don't forget to link this discussion in the ticket's comments).

In my opinion, a 'properties' item at the bottom of a context menu is just the standard everywhere, not only for file managers, but in every piece of software. I admit i rarely use a mac, but where is it placed in the menu? And is it called 'get info' in every software?

Concerning part of my comment in the ticket, now that i use Haiku very often, i'm still not used to the current situation. And i know there is the shortcut (which can stay alt-I btw), but it's not really a reason to make the mouse usage unpractical.
My last arguments on the matter :)

Best regards,

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