[haiku-development] Re: Rant about quality and testing

  • From: scottmc <scottmc2@xxxxxxxxx>
  • To: haiku-development@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2011 18:44:44 +0000

Could it be the Pe and WebPositive are looking for a specif version of
curl and pcre?  We have a .bep file for Pe but I don't see one for
WebPositive.  Who does the official builds of WebPositive?  I except
that when we do move over to hpkg files that we'll have an automated
way of building WebPositive and others with list of it's dependencies.
 I have reopened #7286 and will post links to each of the reverted
packages and hopefully someone reading this will be able to fully test
each of them on gcc4.  I do my Haiku builds  on a gcc2 system so have
indeed not fully checked the gcc4 build.  I build the packages on a
fresh install of gcc2h onto a clean partition.  Could it be that gcc2h
has openssl in a gcc2 location and my build of curl didn't locate
openssl?  Maybe.  I'm rebuilding it now and will double check that
curl find and includes openssl this time.  I pushed out the changes a
few days ago to help uncover any issue before a possible freeze for
alpha3 so that they could be ironed out ahead of the release.  No more
updated packages will be included into the alpha, these were the last
7 that had been updated since the beginning of this year and I just
hadn't had time to add them into Haiku earlier.
Do we have a QA team yet that we can turn to to have them check this
stuff out ahead of time?  I say "team" since there are just far to
many different use cases for the packager alone to cover.
Don't get me wrong, I appreciate this email thread.  Haikuporter is
documented and not that hard to use, but I still see new
OptionalPackages being added into Haiku without having a .bep file and
without this we have to rely on whoever added that package into Haiku
to do the rebuild if/when it's needed.  So please, please, if you are
adding OptionalPackages into Haiku keep this in mind.  Some packages
WILL affect others and without this being spelled out for everyone to
see how are we to know?

My haiku time has been cut back this semester as I am taking two
classes and still working full time (that's 40+ hours here in the US),
and of course the classes have more homework that I had hoped for.

It was meeting Stephan and Ryan a few years ago now that got me into
working on Haiku and I have enjoyed it and will continue working on
Hopefully we will develop hpkgbuild to be a better haikuporter one
which will handle dependency checking.

Watch for the new builds to be linked on the ticket later today.


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