[haiku-development] Re: Question about /system and /boot/system

  • From: Oliver Tappe <zooey@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: haiku-development@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 02 Mar 2011 12:46:47 +0100

On 2011-03-02 at 11:50:39 [+0100], Truls Becken <truls.becken@xxxxxxxxx> 
[ ... ]

> I should add another disadvantage to the list, though: The set of "real" 
> folders needs to be decided up front since they are effectively banned for 
> use in packages. Or you could say that there is a list of folders that are 
> ok in packages, and any others are not guaranteed to work.

That isn't so unusual, though - we need a packaging policy anyway, which will 
ban several more folders (like 'share', for instance).

And settings files could actually live in a "settings" folder in the hpkg 
file, it's just that packagefs has to copy those into the real (writable) 
settings folder. But for that it doesn't matter where the settings files are 
to be found in the package, what matters instead is that they have been 
declared as such by appropriate package 'provides' attributes.

Still, the mixing folders approach does mean that /boot/system, /boot/common  
and /boot/home/config would be *read-only* except for the "shine-through" 
I can live with that as long as there is at least one folder for installing 
non-packaged software.


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