[haiku-development] Re: Google Code-In task ideas

  • From: "Adrien Destugues" <pulkomandy@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: haiku-development@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 02 Nov 2011 12:18:44 +0100

> Furthermore, a concrete practical lesson beyond a simple "Hello 
> World!", like let's say "How to change the color of deskbar" in all 
it's details would provide a perfect best practice.

There is the "Learning to program with Haiku" book, as well as the 
haiku-api-examples project on osdrawer for this.

As for the buildsystem/IDE, the problem would rather be there's too 
much to chose from :
 * Paladin
 * Makefile engine
 * Jamfile engine
 * And most of the tools people use on UNIX-like OSes (makefiles, 
cmake, jam, autotools, ...)

The API guide is also being reworked, and will provide pointers on how 
to use the API.


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