[gmpi] Re: 3.11 Parameters

  • From: "Ron Kuper" <RonKuper@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <gmpi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Wed, 31 Mar 2004 09:51:02 -0500

I would say that that kind of plugin is not useful without a custom UI,
and in which case the show/hide behaviour of parameters can be
controlled by the UI. They dont have to be hidden form the host, jsut
the user.

So you are saying allow dyanamic hidden parameters, but not dynamic
parameter creation?

If so, how could you implement a plugin that was a modular synthesizer?
How could the plugin anticipate what modules the user might create, and
might therefore require parameters?

This would require dynmamic port creation, but whats the use case?

Parity with existing plugin standards in the market.  DXi and OPT
support dynamic audio output creation.

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