[geocentrism] Re: Aether again

  • From: "philip madsen" <pma15027@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Sun, 19 Oct 2008 09:07:50 +1000

  Philip M
  It's wonderful to see something seriously offered as something of value -- 
you obviously spent considerable time on it -- for FREE! Do I detect joyous 
humour or slight sarcasm... either way its appreciated. Actually my serious 
writings are mostly created subconsciously, whilst asleep..  When its ready it 
comes to me and I then type it.. That is the work I suppose, correcting the 
draft presentation, which might take half an hour of real time..  LOL
  I'm sorry I can't reward you with a closely reasoned response. Reward enough 
if you just pass it on to YOUR friends for evaluation.  However you did mention 
Aspden -- twice. I recall that you were going to do some experiments with 
flywheels accelerating more rapidly the second time if not too much time had 
expired between runs. Did you ever get to do anything on that? Have the bicycle 
wheels , have the motors waiting on time for the pulleys belts etc, rather 
expensive for my finances. Even if you have not, can you tell me just what sort 
of difference you expected to see? What is "too much" time? And I think there 
was something about magnets involved -- just what sort of magnets were needed? 
How many, in what configuration?

  Although I have read Aspden for years, it was in collaboration with some of 
the stuff Robert Bennett wrote concerning the aether which pointed me in this 
direction. I have not confirmed it yet, as others have claimed,  but 
essentially the practical application is this, in three statements.

  1.    A flywheel with given Mass at xyz rpm wiill contain enough energy to do 
E amount of work   Let us call it 10E kW.  This is the same amount of work as 
was done in bringing it up to xyz rpm. (standard physics.) 

  2.    If the 10E kW were extracted quickly, in stopping the wheel and doing 
work, then it would take less than 10E kW to return it to the original speed of 
xyz rpm, provided it was done within a given time, about 15 to 20 minutes. Let 
us say ths is only 5E kW   

  3.    However, the energy return if the process is repeated remains at 10E 

  Aspden claims that the rotation of the wheel in some way disperses the 
aether, or weakens it such that less energy is required to raise the rotational 
speed. It is not a rotation of the aether, because the effect is the same even 
if the rotation of the wheel was reversed to the opposite direction.  Why a 
time limit?  Let me speak heliocentrically for your easier comprehension. If 
the effect of this "vacuum in the aether" is in the aether , and assuming the 
aether is still,  then as the world moves on around its merry way, after 15 
minutes, the wheel will be outside of this influence. Such a theoretical 
assumption even over 15 minutes, for the speed of the world in rotation would 
require a big volume of influence indeed, and as regards the movement around 
the sun, it becomes almost untenable. 

  From the geocentric view, we only have to worry about the relatively slow 
equatorial speed, of an aether moving past the stationary world and my wheel. I 
am suddenly curious about the effect of this timing of 20 minutes as regards 
the latitude where the experiment was done. 

  I did not see need for any magnets ..  Not in this test. I will bore you with 
the latest idea. If my motor is pullied to the biccycle wheel. The motor is a 
two speed , motor which gives 3000 rpm in 2 pole configuration, and 1500 rpm in 
4 pole config. Its important that you know that any induction motor connected 
to the mains power , if oversped , will generate power into the mains. This is 
called a synchronous generator. 

  I will take the speed change wires from the switch to a timed relay, which 
will be timed to do the following. 

  a.    in 2 pole , run the wheel up to 3000 rpm, immediately changing over to 
4 pole where the normal speed is 1500rpm. 

  b.    The flywheel will generate power back into the mains untill the speed 
drops down to 1500rpm, when the relay will changeback and so repeat the 

  On the subsequent repeats a net gain of power will be shown if Aspden is 
correct. I have one of those power point Kwh meters ..  If my motor is supplied 
through this, then after an hour or so operation it will surely let us know if 
there is any gain....  Let me say that everything I know about physics, tells 
me I am going to waste my time..  How could so many kids doing lab experiments 
miss this in their calculation..  Near enoug is good enough and they guessed 
the friction losses wrongly. Perhaps. 
  Paul D  and Philip M

  From: philip madsen <pma15027@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  To: philip madsen <joyphil@xxxxxxxxxxx>; geocentrism list 
<geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>; governor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; Robert Bennett 
  Sent: Thursday, 16 October, 2008 8:53:54 AM
  Subject: [geocentrism] Aether again



  Its time I went public with an explanation of the aether. I think I can 
communicate across the barrier between 4 dimensional and three dimensional 
space, that mere mortals might get some idea of what is reserved normaly to the 
 departed souls, angels and God. 



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