[geocentrism] Re: Aether again

  • From: Paul Deema <paul_deema@xxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 18 Oct 2008 13:17:06 +0000 (GMT)

Philip M
It's wonderful to see something seriously offered as something of value -- you 
obviously spent considerable time on it -- for FREE!
I'm sorry I can't reward you with a closely reasoned response. However you did 
mention Aspden -- twice. I recall that you were going to do some experiments 
with flywheels accelerating more rapidly the second time if not too much time 
had expired between runs. Did you ever get to do anything on that? Even if you 
have not, can you tell me just what sort of difference you expected to see? 
What is "too much" time? And I think there was something about magnets involved 
-- just what sort of magnets were needed? How many, in what configuration?
Paul D

From: philip madsen <pma15027@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: philip madsen <joyphil@xxxxxxxxxxx>; geocentrism list 
<geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>; governor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx; Robert Bennett 
Sent: Thursday, 16 October, 2008 8:53:54 AM
Subject: [geocentrism] Aether again

Its time I went public with an explanation of the aether. I think I can 
communicate across the barrier between 4 dimensional and three dimensional 
space, that mere mortals might get some idea of what is reserved normaly to 
the  departed souls, angels and God. 

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