[geocentrism] Aether again

  • From: "philip madsen" <pma15027@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "philip madsen" <joyphil@xxxxxxxxxxx>, "geocentrism list" <geocentrism@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <governor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Robert Bennett" <robert.bennett@xxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 16 Oct 2008 18:53:54 +1000




Its time I went public with an explanation of the aether. I think I can 
communicate across the barrier between 4 dimensional and three dimensional 
space, that mere mortals might get some idea of what is reserved normaly to the 
 departed souls, angels and God. 


In 1949 I was taught in the  already obsolete Admiralty Radio Operators 
handbooks,(British)  but then still part of the Queensland elecrtrical 
apprentices curriculum, and was so for the next 5 years anyway, that the 
“ether” was a hypothetical medium that pervaded all space. It was the medium by 
which all electromagnetic phenomena was propagated. (Gravity did not come into 
this text.) It was presumerd to permeate all matter, but that matter retarded 
or affected this propagation as to its speed and attenuation and of course 
wavelength.  Magnetic fields and electrical fields, whilst not considered as 
propagated entities, nevertheless depended upon the existence of this medium to 
exist in a vacuum. 


Now let me say at the outset, that I preferred the corpuscular theory of 
radiation at that time, even though this failed miserably as it still does 
today, to explain the wave action of EMR. It is quite an easy matter to explain 
the reverse, i.e. how a wave can cause a photon reaction. And in any case the 
corpuscular theory, cannot explain the contiguousness of the force fields due 
to electrostatic and magnetic potentials. Since Faraday first raised the 
question of action at a distance through a vacuum as regards these and 
gravitational forces, none have been able to give any acceptable answer. 


What is the aether.. ?  I can say with absolute confidence that it is not a 
fluid, or a physical substance which the connotation of “medium” tends to 
imply. The fluid concept developed erroneously from the use of “fluid” in the 
common analogy of the time. It was a convenient form of anology, as was the 
same applied in the theory of electric current flow.   Electric current does 
not flow like water through a tap. When a tap is closed the water stops. When a 
switch is closed the power starts. We were told electrons flowed. It’s a good 
analogy…  But keep in mind that when you have an electric current of 1000 
Amperes at 1500 kHz … electrons flowed nowhere.. they might just vibrate..but 
that is just a guess. 


Nobody knows what the aether is, but a few people out there have come close to 
the same idea I have. I have revealed what I think it is many times, but 
because of its complexity I know few comprehended. Yet I’m convinced I am 
right, for the same reason that lead me to geocentrism.. God Himself confirms 
it in Scripture. The Church whilst having dogmatically ruled on geocentrism, 
and never having dogmatically reversed that declaration, has nothing to say on 
Time and space, except by reference. Aspden claims the aether is pure 
electrical charge of balanced polarity pairs. A good hypothesis, and I do not 
reject it, as I see it as associated with what I am about to demonstrate. 


Mainstream science cannot debunk me because they have in large number already 
committed themselves rather strongly to time dilation, and other theories based 
upon a four dimensional universe. Knowing the kabbalistic base upon which 
modern science rests, that I would allow consideration of similar theories, 
might have been enough to discourage me if it was not for Gods word. He said “I 
Am” and Jesus reaffirmed it. John 8-58  Jesus said to them: Amen, amen, I say 
to you, before Abraham was made, I AM. He did not say "I was" 


Kabbalism is based upon occult forces, with Satan who knows the truth, at the 
helm. So it is natural for the same truth to be common to both forces, though 
twisted and distorted by lies for Evil.  Consider how the theme of the 
incarnation is perverted in various cultures of pagan societies or 


But my inspiration from the scientific angle came not from the Bible, but an 
early hero. Despite his being a humanist, rationalist athiestic Jew, whom I 
might shrink from today, he was a real scientist,  who wrote under the pen name 
of Isaac Asimov. 

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Isaac_Asimov  Well worth the read.  Maybe even a 
kaballist, but I do not think so. If I were to accuse him others could just as 
easily so accuse me, as I was well entrenched in this humanist rationalist 

“Isaac Asimov (c. January 2, 1920[1] – April 6, 1992), pronounced /'a?z?k 
'æz?m?v/,[2] originally ????? ?????? but now transcribed into Russian as ????? 
??????, was a Russian-born American author and professor of biochemistry, a 
highly successful writer, best known for his works of science fiction and for 
his popular science books. Most of Asimov's popularized science books explain 
scientific concepts in a historical way, going as far back as possible to a 
time when the science in question was at its simplest stage.” 


I would have read most of his fiction, plus his science articles , and just two 
books I specifically remember , which were university text books at the time, 
“The Physiology of the Human Body” and “ the Physiology of the Human Brain” . 
Asimov was well aware of and involved with the modern quantum Physics as 
regards Einsteins theories.  He was able as no other I knew, to bring them down 
to nuts and bolts technology. Asimov indicated that most of Einsteins peers 
were only pretenders to the throne, which means they didn't have a clue, and I 
believe the same of most of them today. 


      Isaac Asimov

      Isaac Asimov in 1956


Therefore in the simplist expression  the aether is caused by the following

suppositions. I say caused, because the aether is an effect, not a fluid 
material thing. It is an effect of ,


  1.. the four dimensional nature of all creation. 
  2.. that time as we experience it, is not a sequence of existence of three 
dimensions of space. (the sequence is in our minds) 
  3.. time is a subjective experience of intellect only which is restricted to 
three dimensional graphic experiences. 
  4.. this experience is a conscious traversing of the a fixed physical fourth 
  5.. The whole of creation (the physical universe) from beginning to 
dissolution exists. In other words our brains have both past and future 
memories.. already laid in real time of eternity.  
So how can I graphically represent an image to you to explain in a visual way 
what this means. From outside,  I see the whole of creation as a very complex 
organism. Nothing moves. Everything is fixed. . I see Adam and Eve joined,  
earth connected to plants connected to mouths and back to dust again- umbilical 
cords joined to babies joined to a series of growing bodies, ever spreading 
like a tangled web to include billions of peoples, along side of course a 
similar association of animals and plants and objects that are changing with 
time. As I said all the way to the dissolution. It begins as nothing, created, 
and ends anihilated to nothing. One great finite solid fourdimensional complex 
object in a void. 


Just as I might describe the length dimension of an object such as a 12 inch 
rule, by describing say the markings between the 5 inch and 6 inch mark, 
without going into the thickness or the height, then I likewise can describe to 
you what I see of a part of the fourth dimension. 


Let us take a time lapse movie of a flower from bud to decay. If you played the 
film through the appropriate projector at normal speed, you will see what we in 
this world see.. quite normally. However suppose you were to race this film 
through the projector the whole sequence, in an instant..  As sometimes has 
happened when the film gets out of the sproket gears and people see a changing 
blurr on the screen.  


You will see a flash of a blur of light which is a combination of every second 
of the flower from bud to dust. ..  That is what a three dimensional being such 
as we are would see looking at the fourth dimension from outside of it.   An 
instantaneous flash of light.   But a four dimensional being would  be able to 
see every frame of the film instant by instant.   In the same way that you 
might take  this short film and stopped to look at every frame.  Sir James 
Jeans in “An Experiment with Time, described it thus:


We as we walk through the forest we see only the trees around us. Imagine the 
walk as an instant experience where you see all the trees at once. 

Our souls imprisoned in these mortal three dimensional bodies are like a super 
powerful computer with trillions of Mb capacity,  being restricted to 28 
kilobits per second. Thats the nearest comparison I can make, yet it is not 
even close. 


So what has all this to do with the aether.  Everything.   In the sequential 
three D world,  space appears empty, and the moon moves around the world ..  In 
reality the four dimensional world is a finished solid , the moon and 
everything else is in every frame around the world from creation to 


When we introduce a magnetic field, the magnetic force which we call a field is 
a reaction due to electron speed perhaps, against the contiguity of this 
dimension in time. Between frames if we were wont to say that this contiguity 
did have barriers between frames. We might call it the light speed barrier. 


A radio wave is forced to spread and propagate in three dimensions between the 
“pressure” of the time before and after its "instant"* of creation.  The aether 
is an effect of the presence of this fourth dimension which obviously does 
pervade all space.  What we call vacuum, is NOT void in time. Thus Aspden is 
close when he describes the aether as negative and positive electric charge 

Comments welcome, before I try a graphic.. 

*  "instant" as in our temporal time.on the fourth dimension. . Of course all 
the radio waves were created  in the beginning.......all the babies, all the 
deaths... all the weapons...  long ago, just as those we will see tomorrow and 
the day after etc. 


JPEG image

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