Re: Was Re: Need Waterman converter and Metamorphosed into Need Eyedrop Filler...

  • From: "Eric D. Zamir-Zimmerman" <eric@xxxxxxxx>
  • To: fptalk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 15 May 2006 18:40:20 +0200

I was wondering about that. I think that in a situation where I am sitting and writing in bulk it would be okay. If I were just signing one check or something, it would seem like a p.i.a.
I'm more concerned about the posting issue. When I'm sitting in class or at some other kind of lecture, usually there isn't all that much room to spread things out! Would one post a pen like that?
On 15 May 2006, at 18:09, Roger Beamon wrote:

On 15 May 2006 at 16:20, Eric D. Zamir-Zimmerman wrote, at least in part:

Of course, Kevin puts our health before his wealth, so his prices are
 always below retail ;-)

The Densho I have is the raw ebonite. It holds the proverbial ton of ink and
its stub nib is a terrific writer with good flow. I think you would like the

My only complaint is a feature that is a bit unsightly. The tail piece that
opens to allow flow to the nib has to be kept open from 1-3 mm., typically,
to allow continuous flow to the feed. Being open those few mms is
asthetically disturbing to me, but I only use the pen here at home, so it's not
that big a deal. That very feature of being able to seal off the flow is nice for
carrying and/or air travel and gives the user a measure of flow control while
in use.

Roger Beamon
Southern Arizona  USA
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