[duxhelp] Word to Dux

  • From: "Betsy Whitney, Dolphin Press" <brailleit@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: "duxhelp-freelists.org" <duxhelp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 03 Aug 2004 06:04:52 -1000

When I bring a file into DBT 10.5 from Word, it
inserts my {lea} in the right places, but puts a
{<} after the page number: Example, {lea}1{<} Then I
have to remove the {<} and replace it with a space
which has to be done manually. Is there a setting
I can change to prevent this from happening?

Next: When I am in Word and use alt-d and select
Duxbury Braille from the menu, I get a dialog box
informing me that the file is in use and a list of
three choices beginning with open a "read only
file",   insert my changes later, and be notified when the file is available.
It seems that no matter which I choose I can't
work on my file in DBT.
If I close the file in Word, go to DBT to open the
print file, I get some nonsense about the page
macro not working and the page breaks will not be
marked, but when I open the file the {lea} codes
are there. Anyone know what's up?


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