[dokuwiki] Re: fckeditor plugin spellchecker

  • From: Myron Turner <turnermm02@xxxxxxx>
  • To: dokuwiki@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 07:38:38 -0500

Anika Henke wrote:
Myron Turner wrote:
I can think of a number of ways to determine language preference. You can assign each language preference to a dokuwiki group, check for the group at login and set a cookie which can then be checked in spellchecker.php.

Or if your users come from different countries you can determine country of origin of IP addresses using a free service from maxmind.com.

Just a side note: Deciding upon the language of the spellchecker depending on the language/location/preference of the user doesn't make much sense. ;-) It's the language of the *text* that's important!


Chantal's original question was about using a spellchecker in DokuWikiFCK. In the case of the FCKeditor, which is the basis for DokuWikiFCK, the spellchecker loads whatever dictionary is specified in a script on the server. The script has to know the language of the *text*, in order to specify the correct dictionary.


Myron Turner
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