[dokuwiki] Re: fckeditor plugin spellchecker

  • From: Myron Turner <turnermm02@xxxxxxx>
  • To: dokuwiki@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2009 10:09:34 -0500

Chantal Rosmuller wrote:

I activated the spellchecker in the fckg plugin, I use "spellerpages". It works great but we have a multilanguage wiki... is there a way to use different language settings for different pages? Thanks,

Regards Chantal

I'm afraid this is something that I can't answer with any certainty. I can only dimly point the way.

I suggest you check out the spellerpages site:

And the Fckeditor site: http://docs.fckeditor.net/FCKeditor_2.x/Developers_Guide/Configuration/Spell_Checker

And the GNU Aspell site
where you can get dictionaries for the languages your site needs to support.

If you are using spellerpages, then I assume you have already reset the default spellchecker from the windows version to the unix version in spellchecker.php. You'll notice in that script there is a default setting to
    $lang = 'en_US';
You will have to work out a way to re-set this value, on the fly, for non-English users. As long as you've installed the required dictionaries this should work (I think).

I can think of a number of ways to determine language preference. You can assign each language preference to a dokuwiki group, check for the group at login and set a cookie which can then be checked in spellchecker.php.

Or if your users come from different countries you can determine country of origin of IP addresses using a free service from maxmind.com. They provide a simple php api to read a database which you download to your server and can update every month. The database which you want is GeoCityLite.

Hope this helps,


Myron Turner
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