[softwarelist] Re: SparkFS 1.41 & RO 6

  • From: Martin Wuerthner <public@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: davidpilling@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Sat, 02 Jun 2007 11:29:18 +0200

In message <4eec79c97fdfs@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
          Dave Symes <dfs@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> In article <n5Dl4cERsIYGFwlO@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
>    David Pilling <flist@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> *SparkFSMethod <type> <method>
>> Sets the compression method for a given archive type.
>> So something like
>> *SparkFSMethod 4 0
>> is the command you would issue.
> I've done that, but the SparkFS Choices window still shows Type Zip and
> Method Deflate, so how do I know the Obey file  I've just double clicked
> is going to give me a Zip archive and no compression?

For that specific case, it is simple. After you have added some 
compressible data to the archive (plain text files or sprites are 
ideal - avoid compressed archives, GIF or JPEG images because they are 
already compressed), then count the contents of the archive, then 
count the archive size itself. Without compression, the archive size 
is a bit larger than the size of its contents. With compression, the 
archive size is substantially smaller.

If you add large files you will notice the difference anyway - it is 
very fast for uncompressed archives and rather slow with "Deflate" 

Finally, just to avoid misunderstandings: The compression type is 
*not* a property of the archive. There are no such things as 
"uncompressed Zip files" and "compressed Zip files". The file does not 
say anything about the compression to be applied. Each individual item 
in the file can be either compressed or uncompressed. The 
SparkFSMethod commands do not control the compression when creating an 
archive. Rather, they control the compression used when adding files 
to the archive.

You can easily create a mixed archive: Create a Zip file (no matter 
what your current SparkFS settings are), then type
*SparkFSMethod 4 0
and add a file. It is added without compression. Then, type
*SparkFSMethod 4 8
and add a file. It is added with Deflate compression.

Martin Wuerthner          MW Software          martin@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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