[bookcourier] Re: Sapping batteries - a helpful warning

  • From: "Darren Brewer" <darren.m.brewer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: <bookcourier@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Mon, 6 Jun 2005 22:29:47 +0100


The tone of my mesages was not meant to soun disrespectful in any way I was 
just trying to describe why you can be misled into thinking a battery may be 
ok when in fact it's about to die.

Greg seems to have a problem with people who know a bit more than he does. 
That is something he will have to resolve by himself.

I had a problem with my courier whilst using rechargeable batteries and have 
every right to air my views and criticisms.

And they say us British are afraid to complain.
I shall say no more on the matter.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: <bkennedy429@xxxxxxxxx>
To: <bookcourier@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, June 06, 2005 8:26 PM
Subject: [bookcourier] Re: Sapping batteries - a helpful warning

I've only been on this list a few days.  I joined the list because I am
a long time BookCourier user and thought I might get some information
from like users about sources of material.  So far, the only messages
that have come across the list, concern the "battle of the battery
testers."  It's not so much the content of the messages, it's the tone
of them.  There is nothing in this discussion of battery testing that is
unique or intrinsic to the BookCourier.  Do what most people on these
lists do when they find a difference of opinion that the parties can't
resolve;  they agree to disagree.

          Bud Kennedy


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