[arachne] Re: Pushdir & Popdir In FreeDos

  • From: "Lester" <fd100@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • To: arachne@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2006 03:39:28 -0500

Arachne at FreeLists---The Arachne Fan Club!

> Lester:
> As it turns out FreeDos has its own version of Pushdir and Popdir,
> Pushd and Popd, and they also have some extra functionality:
> Pushd also works as CD command ...

> Greg:
> I was hoping to find ONE set of utilities that would work for ALL
> versions of DOS.

In case you missed it in my original post:

Both command sets (pushd/popd and pushdir/popdir) work ok in FreeDos, 
both as standalone commands or in batch files, and I tested both in 
Arachne's Dosshell.bat. So you can safely use pushdir/popdir in FreeDos 
as long as you put both binary files in ..\Fdos\Bin .


                  Arachne at FreeLists                  
-- Arachne, The Premier GPL Web Browser/Suite for DOS --

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